It's a cliche by now, but think how the news media would have freaked out if people were paying $5 million for private meetings with Biden.
Pointing out Republican hypocrisy is an appeal to arbiters of discourse who no longer exist.
Republicans are way beyond hypocrisy, which, at least, is the “homage vice pays to virtue”…
Do you see the absurdity of the trope yet?
“Imagine if Democrats threatened to annex Canada…”
And by not calling this out, MSM is also engaged in disinformation.
Our Constitution is woefully non-specific, and the lack of a moral SCOTUS leaves us heading to oligarchic rule.
In the 6-ish weeks of this administration we’ve seen plenty of examples, with very few media outlets and/or journalists calling it out.
Time to change that!
…if Hillary had refused to release her taxes…
…if Biden had his daughter & SIL working in the White House…
I could go on forever. Republicans are hypocrites.