You protect me by being vaccinated. I protect you by being vaccinated. I used to think the optional shots were bogus. Then I got Influenza A in 2018. The fatigue was unreal. Then in 2021 I was proud to be a CNA and receive the Covid vaccine before most. Now I am diagnosed autoimmune! Get Vaxxed
Born in February 1952, I didn’t get the dose until much later, but I got the affliction 6 months later in my left shoulder/upper arm, and right leg. I’m blessed not to be completely crippled.
Well, technically I have pneumonia right now so scratch that one ( vaccinated too🫤) and I had mumps and chickenpox. Of course there were no vaccines for that at the time. 😬 I got mumps from my friend. 😂😂
I could make it i to an iron on on a Tshirt.
I’d probably get stabbed by a MAGAt.
Thank you Rotary International for working to eradicate polio world-wide.
Kennedy Jr does not care about you, me, or the health of millions of others.
I had chicken pox and can’t remember if I had the mumps. Probably.