Obligatory reminder that we had an effective vaccine for Lyme disease a quarter century ago, anti-vaxxers sued it out of circulation for humans, but since medicine for dogs is only lightly regulated our pooches have continued to enjoy protection denied to their owners.
Reposted from
Karl Bode
I missed that Luigi the CEO killer had struggled with Lyme Disease
I can tell you from experience that U.S. healthcare is overtly hostile to anybody who isn't 100% cured by the recommended 14 day course of doxycycline
post infectious issues are common but Lyme gets treated differently
I can tell you from experience that U.S. healthcare is overtly hostile to anybody who isn't 100% cured by the recommended 14 day course of doxycycline
post infectious issues are common but Lyme gets treated differently
You’re shitting me there’s been a vaccine all along?!?!?! My fucking god…. I’ll cut em
Vaccination is a risk-reward decision, which should be personal.
We lived thru The Ronus, _billions_ got vaxxed, and you troglodytes are still acting like pussies because you have been whining and scared of needles since you were little children. Sorry man, truth hurts. Take that PedoCon anti-vaxxer shit back to Twitter.
No vaccine is perfect safe and you do a disservice to science and vaccine acceptance by saying so. That's an easily disprovable statement, which is low hanging fruit for those assholes.
Muting you now.
My wife couldn't walk for two years and lives in constant pain because of a vaccine. I had to retire to care for her. My gripe is that, when it happens (and it will!), the injured aren't properly compensated.
I don't say, "don't vaxx." But the A/Vers do have a point.
If they are perfectly safe, why do vaccine makers insist on immunity from civil liability? Why do we need the VCIP? /2
if you think the VICP is for real, you are being scammed. Even the big “anti-vax” ambulance-chasers admit it: https://vaccinelaw.com/vaccine-court-provides-tips-for-avoiding-vicp-scams/
I have earned a low opinion of Ivy grads, but I do expect more from MIT kids.
As we were both high-risk (we travel internationally, and had to), we vaxxed up. But it's not essential for everyone. /3
Take that weirdo PedoConservative shit back to twitter.
When you are admitted at MIT, you get an attitude installed by a proctologist.
I would say that you were more faithful to your dogma than your girlfriend, but you go to MIT; you don't have one.
The "right" answer is not as simple as you make it.