When David went to war, I used Dave Ramsey's financial advice to pay off law school debts, etc. Now that my kids are going off to law school, is there someone (other than Ramsey) that you guys can recommend who has a practical financial book for personal finance?
Howard Dayton’s “Your Money Map”. It’s pretty similar to Ramsey’s stuff.
I guess my question is, who is this practical financial advice focused towards, your children that are just starting out?
Favorite beginner books - The Simple Path to Wealth (focus on simple investing) & The Millionaire Next Door (focus on simple life)
And can recommend another book by a U Chicago prof
Risk Uncertainty and Profit
By Frank Knight (OG of Chicago economics)
Very practical insofar as he makes distinction between calculable risk and real uncertainty, which might not occur to young people
If you are looking for a faith-based option (minus the Ramsey “baggage”), Crown Financial Ministries is a very good option (formed by the merger of Larry Burkett’s & Howard Dayton’s ministries). They have a variety of online & printed resources. https://crown.org/