It's true. Union members, like all workers, trended Republican. But unlike their in union counterparts, union members mostly held the line against Trump
I do blame them and I blame Sean O'Brien. And I won't fight for them like so many people did before them and I won't cry for them. They can work for minimum wage. They chose this and if they didn't, they didn't fight hard enough against it. I'm glad Kamala doesn't have to walk their picket lines
Weird take. You blame "unions" like it's a monolith. My union sent 600 people just from NYC to Philly to knock on doors. Thousands more in other states volunteered. Union members didn't defect like others did. So we need to keep fighting for unions. Now O'Brien sure. That was ridiculous.
So half the union members did not deliver for Dems. Biden and Harris walked their picket lines and saved their pensions. I hope they're not expecting Trump to do the same.
55% voted for Harris/Biden according to you. So half of union members voted for Trump. Rounding off. Unions are supposed to be a monolith. That's their power. They gave it up. I come from a long line of union members. My grandparents owned a dress manufacturing business, my father is retired UAW
Union members voted for Harris about 20% more than their non union counterparts. We need more people in unions, not less. People like their unions generally and it's sometimes the only voice they trust counteracting the fascist rhetoric they hear every day. Strong unions will save our democracy.
The Bulwark guy thinks it’s 1984, and even 1984 wasn’t 1984.
As much as there were aspirational working class people who bought into Reagan’s “morning in America,” drivel, there were far mor who watch him gut the air traffic controllers and went, “Fuck that guy.”
To claim union workers are “trending Republican,” a simplistic analysis at best, and is more inclined at mistaking some of the stupider and more cravenly sycophantic of its leadership, with the mass of workers who are smart enough to see what a fucking tool Trump is, and what a joke his minions are.
Basically union members voted at same rate for Harris as Biden
The Bulwark guy thinks it’s 1984, and even 1984 wasn’t 1984.
As much as there were aspirational working class people who bought into Reagan’s “morning in America,” drivel, there were far mor who watch him gut the air traffic controllers and went, “Fuck that guy.”