Built a coffee counter ☕️ automation for #homeassistant. It recognizes when the smart plug uses more than 1200 Watts of power for more than a few seconds. Curious to know how much coffee runs through my machine at home throughout a full year haha
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NICE! Had to copy this straight away… 🤣
Maybe I can also do a tea counter for the quooker - will have to investigate the needed number of seconds to discard regular re-heat cycles.
Turns out the cheap zigbee plug on my coffee maker only reports every minute... I'll probably just replace it rather than fudge some intricate method to try to correct for the heat-up.
Quooker is very nicely doable. Re-heat ±12s, any actual water draw is very long (400 ml = ± 60s)...
Regarding this last bit: this should actually correlate quite well... I could maybe guesstimate actual throughput, rather than just numbers of mugs / cans of tea. But nah, maybe that's taking it a little too far :P
Good point and awesome idea! Probably this could be done. But to get it really accurate you’d have to rely on a fair amount of trial and error I guess? Depends on how accurate the results must be :D Definitely like the idea
The trial and error wouldn't be much of a problem, I drink *a lot* of tea :P
But yeah, the accuracy would never be great, since the temperature of the water going in can vary quite a bit (anything between 'stale' 20°C vs. 'fresh' 5°C if the tap ran recently).
Maybe I can also do a tea counter for the quooker - will have to investigate the needed number of seconds to discard regular re-heat cycles.
Quooker is very nicely doable. Re-heat ±12s, any actual water draw is very long (400 ml = ± 60s)...
But yeah, the accuracy would never be great, since the temperature of the water going in can vary quite a bit (anything between 'stale' 20°C vs. 'fresh' 5°C if the tap ran recently).