But it really seems that lots of folks now prefer LinkedIn. When I see the traction under BC related posts (and I know only very few because I'm not registered), it makes me sad. It used to be the same on Twitter while it still was a good place.
Maybe wrong choice of wording. The ultimate goal is that all team members have much of the knowledge of the new stuff. I'm trying to find the optimal way for that. I'm sharing staff on local channels also, but in that way sometimes no one looks at the new post...
Let's start. How are you catching up with new #msdyn365bc features, changes and versions? If company, do you have a person designated to follow new things only?
There is no designated person in our company. But whenever I find something very important or useful, I also share it in our internal Yammer community, or directly with my team.
We have a monthly skill sharing session in the consultants team. Trouble is, we’re all so booked up that we don’t get much time to prepare so I do most of mine in my spare time.
Funny question. First of all, I cannot catch up with everything. I would not say that we designated someone for the new topics but more often then not people reach out to me with questions about new stuff. Then I try to dig in. The resources: whats new and planned, code and blogpost.
Also we have arranged with consultants to test new application functions roughly once or twice a year. This seems like a good approach. They assign the features among themselves based on afinity. And developers often research for themselves from time to time.
That seems like a good approach, balance between consuming of time and staying on train. How do you share that knowledge in company to the rest of the team? Documentation/writing or live presentations?
I would not say that we excel at sharing knowledge internally. There are some topics like "E-Documents" or "New Pricing" that cannot be avoided so they get shared in consulting sessions. For some topics only few people get familiar with them. So hard to answer that but: sharing is caring.
Thanks for the blog, it gives a new hint on how to follow new stuff systematically.
You said that you share/forward news to other team members, but is it fruitful?
And what is the opposite - being harmful?
There is no designated person in our company. But whenever I find something very important or useful, I also share it in our internal Yammer community, or directly with my team.