I'm sure some feckless fucking dem will show up and tell us all how normal this is and how "irrational" we on the Left are for daring to call a spade a fucking spade. American democracy is dead. We now live in post-America.
lol. You’ve got it so flipped. The Left (predominantly white cishet men) have literally been telling us Jewish, LGBTQ and Black Dem women (who are the base) to calm down & stop focusing on basic human rights (Bernie literally dubbed them “identity politics” which MAGA loved so much they adopted).
Whew, child. Not even sure where to begin with this one. Your dem saviors are frauds and are continually capitulating to the fascist right, while making petulant little speeches as if they are ReSiStAnCe. As someone who is of the Left, and not a cishet white dude, I kindly ask you to wake the fuk up
What happened to Q? Many suspected it was Trump's useful minion, Michael Flynn. Curious we haven't heard anything from Q or followers since Trump was elected again.
and "VACANT"
because they were "done by Autopen."
Trump’s unconscious “Projections”
Trump’s mass-psychosis
Consider that on each day that passes, the Constitutional breaches and offenses mount against Trump!
I understand that this is a dichotomy, but in a free speech society, surely opinion is welcome and a safeguard?
Oops! Trump! Duh!
He doesn't deny when Republicans win, oddly enough.
Election Denyin’ AG😳
The Big Lie & The Big Truth.
There, that’s better..
This top shelf POS is part of the problem.