The breaking point keeps moving in the same way as the Overton window. In the last month Trump has done 3-4 things that would have got him impeached if he'd done them back in 2017. Republicans will argue that *this* new thing is not quite the breaking point, and so ad infinitum
What we *have* learnt is many are obsequious to the point previous attempts at bipartisanship appear Machiavellian on their part. I think specifically of Murkowski, who voted for all but one cabinet pick, in light of much liberal fervour she may defect to Dems (even I thought she may become an Ind).
I believe that there is few if any true Republicans that would even contemplate a challenge at the moment. They will be genuinely scared of physical violence by the crazies.
That was an infuriating, despicable display of shithousery by all Republican's involved. Other world leaders need to be thinking of/planning repercussions.