I know many people want to use my and mimo4e's models on VRChat and we have several people working on it. We will also create a vrchat world where we will upload them all... eventually xD
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I also shared the 2D bases I made for my skins, free to use https://mega.nz/folder/vFQUFZzA#InIPT0HzKR3ndapFDgmRqQ
Along with 3D bases https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BJMTYdhDOWAzhiADy6nN8gEDP-rP1zbO?usp=drive_link
Sometimes I make lineart works available and you can color them if you want, just credit me for the lineart https://mega.nz/folder/KYByDQTR#uSKixl6B5W9lJCr8JPPfaw