I thought so. Interesting that the fires are mostly in populated areas and not the mountains and wilderness. I hope they get caught and pay the maximum price seeing how some people have died from these fires.
I actually don’t believe this. From what I read, it just sounds like the wind is carrying embers to wherever. But hypothetically speaking, would it surprise anyone? GOP hates CA.
I get that it’s dry but how did it start? An ember doesn’t just come off a house and start a wild fire. Where did it start? It will be a long time coming before we have all the answers.
I heard a recording of one call mentioning this on citizen, presumably did get called in to 911 if it’s posted on there as actual call audio. Then there was a second call of a Hispanic female lighting fires. Both reported to be in Studio City, but reported doesn’t mean true
My man, this is not the sort of thing you need to be amplifying. This is an unconfirmed rumor and quite often stuff like this turns out to be hysteria. You hurt your credibility by posting it.
I heard this call in to 911 on the citizen app, and someone also called in a Hispanic woman lighting fires. Both were in Studio City. But called in doesn’t mean true, and I also agree that he would be more discerning would the report have mentioned, say, ppl in red MAGA hats lighting fires lol