Happy birthday, Mr. Chretien. This is a message Democrats, the 🇺🇸 media, & all Americans actually need to hear & start heeding as well: "Start showing that spine & toughness."
I read this aloud to my husband. My father is a retired Naval Commander at age 98.
We live in San Diego, California. My mom who passed from cancer in 2005…was German. My grandfather, aunt, uncle and mom suffered severe trauma under Hitler and during WWII. They were
Here I sit…at near 70 (next month)…one generation later. I REFUSE to live through what my mom and her family survived…just barely.
I warned everyone in 2015 Trump is fascist. I warned even
But for the second time ever…(first time was Trump 1.0) I am more than embarrassed to call myself American.
And THIS while Ukrainians give their lives to protect their democracy.
Shame. On. Us.