Just had a photo of some bondage account man strung up at traffic lights on the discover feed a couple of posts before yours - does that count? Hahaha gawd whatever rocks their boat I suppose but do I have to witness it 😳
I think maybe we create some kind of universal Bluesky response to trolls and bots and never verbally engage ever with knobs - perhaps a 🌈 or 💋 - anyhoo let’s enjoy the peace while it lasts! Love your work!
So far, that actually is the universal response that I've seen promoted here, many times. Starve / Block / Report. Done it. Works beautifully. Long may it reign.
Five days in, and I've had one contentious debate. Turned out to be with an expert in the field. We both cited sources, accommodated each others views, thanked each other, and ended by following each other. #civil #debate #Surreal
You’re caught in a landslide.
No escape from reality 😎