They also need to drop their Orwellian Age Ban Bill. This thread reader summary posted on X, details the most concerning aspects. I can't believe, nobody in the media or politics itself have come out against this dangerous bill. Bipartisan of course=toxic.
Mate I don’t want to hand my ID to social media companies who have a history of disregarding privacy and ethics in pursuits of profit, and I don’t want to hand my social media to politicians who already weaponise defamation laws against citizens.
We have a right to criticise government anonymously.
sure yeah i do hear that, so do i
they can see us if they really want to but thats beside the point for the purposes of this discussion.
you would agree that we need some way to map a 1 to 1 relationship between real people and social media accounts so as to rid ourselves of trolls/bots etc ?
Not really. The bots will find a way from other countries where most originate from anyway since the law would be our country only.
I’d prefer legislation that requires paid for political accounts to display an account or post flag like the “authorised by” to reduce Australia’s own contribution to
Cont. the misinformation. Deter our politicians from hiring propaganda accounts, or mass bot farms for their own purposes.
I’d also prefer to legislate that social media company must implement AI flags on images video and content identified as being partially or fully AI generated to assist people
Eloquently stated. Also Imagine how many people would be sacked from their places of employment for expressing a pro-Palestinian view, or anti-war view if they couldn’t do it anonymously? The irony is the Bill has nothing to do with children. But is being used to monitor adults. It is a ruse
well whatever the solution there would have to be a layer of obfuscation meaning zero knowledge proof required to others outside your inner layer. it would be enough that you have the tick proving someone else within your layer/group vouches for your real life existence
We have a right to criticise government anonymously.
they can see us if they really want to but thats beside the point for the purposes of this discussion.
you would agree that we need some way to map a 1 to 1 relationship between real people and social media accounts so as to rid ourselves of trolls/bots etc ?
I’d prefer legislation that requires paid for political accounts to display an account or post flag like the “authorised by” to reduce Australia’s own contribution to
I’d also prefer to legislate that social media company must implement AI flags on images video and content identified as being partially or fully AI generated to assist people
what if you could turn a 'only verified accounts can interact with me' switch on and off?