Having a sad night;
Thought about the first dog I raised as a puppy.
Her name was Dai, and she loved me a whole lot.
Always cradling herself in my lap, even when she was big.
At some point she had to go to other family because of moving.
And passed away at some point in 2013.
Thought about the first dog I raised as a puppy.
Her name was Dai, and she loved me a whole lot.
Always cradling herself in my lap, even when she was big.
At some point she had to go to other family because of moving.
And passed away at some point in 2013.
Thought I would never see her face again; But I was able to dig up this single photo from a cousins who did photography.
I wish I had seen here more;
She destroyed her cage to get to me one time;
She was my baby girl.