Adding to my collection of mostly invisible disabilities.
I’m 65, #Autistic, and 11 months away from state pension age.
Well-laid plans for a celebratory year have gone slightly awry as my thyroid is about to die, precipitating lots of incapacitating physical and cognitive symptoms.
Adding to my collection of mostly invisible disabilities.
I’m 65, #Autistic, and 11 months away from state pension age.
Well-laid plans for a celebratory year have gone slightly awry as my thyroid is about to die, precipitating lots of incapacitating physical and cognitive symptoms.
eye problems, and post menopausal complications.
My life had become a symptomatic smorgasbord!
I’m resting and sleeping more, trying to avoid stress and over exertion.
Lots of time is spent sorting out muddles.
My bag rattles with pills.
I’m hobbling around not striding up hills.
I’m part way through a Personal Independence Payment application.
I’m being referred to occupational health.
I’m prioritising healthcare appointments over work.
I’m still celebrating but in a different way.
I’m realistically optimistic. It will take months or years to get better and I’ll be grappling with thyroid blood test results, ranges and percentages for the rest of my life.
Just as with #AutRes I’ll have to be a trailblazing pathfinder.
The fine tuning of my treatment will depend on the extent to which I’m able to self-advocate effectively and the co-operation of healthcare practitioners.
I’m going with the flow to optimise my well-being as quickly as possible.
I want to enjoy my retirement as much as I can.
It’s been a long time coming!
Family history and symptoms persuaded my GP to investigate.
After four weeks on Levothyroxine and a loading dose of Vitamin D I’m feeling a tiny glimmer of hope that the meds and gluten free diet may be working.
Next step is an ultrasound scan.
Subclinical doesn’t always equal asymptomatic as you know.
GPs vary in their knowledge of nuances of thyroid disease and proactivity in managing it.
There are risks with both over & under treatment.
Vitamins and minerals need monitoring too as they may be depleted.
Antibodies increase risk of progression from what the NHS describes as ‘sub clinical’ to ‘overt’ thyroid disease.