This is absolutely extortion of Ukraine and their brave people. Dumpster Trump is doing payback for the impeachment by trying to humiliate Zelenskyy. The Republicans have been complicit.
Trump and Musk are gaining control of all our essential computer based systems! They could black out the country! If they are Russian assets this will be catastrophic for the US! This needs to stop now!This point needs to be made! It’s not all about tax breaks for the wealthy!
So Dems aren’t taking any kind of action? No strategy? Zip ? What a waste of voting when Schumer is a total bust and no other senators will unite us? Sad to say to my favorite Sen Whitehouse but this country believed in Democrats and this is the country we deserve. An Authoritarian one now.
You're a Senator FFS and there isn't Jack shit you can do a goddamn thing to stop these fascists. No wonder we taxpayers are feeling so helpless. Look what they've accomplished in one month. Think how desperate we'll be after just one year of this?
If you have any Republican representatives, get after them.
Check out:
They formed right after the first Trump term for the sole purpose of opposing his regime. Power to the People.
This is sadistic. Cruel man driving the need to hurt people. Has he no conscience? Is it possible he is courting Putin to get ideas on how to do land grabs, etc. because he has aspirations of being like Putin to compete WITH Putin?
You are aware that he wants Zelenskyy to just die now, right? Where is Congress? I certainly hope you all are having secret meetings about this shit. It’s a classic narcissist move. He’s in the “you rejected me so I’m punishing you” phrase. Republicans need a come to Jesus meeting ASAP. WTH?
If only we had a system of 'checks and balances' to counteract the illegal and inhumane acts of the current regime.
Unfortunately, the entities that should be checking the evil intentions of the oligarchy and the felon president have been neutered.
Brit here. We are horrified by what the Tangerine Turd is doing. If the state visit goes ahead, he won't like the 'welcome' from the British public. We loathe him. For everyone's sake, there must be a way for you to remove him.
Get off your pedestal. The man could have left the White House with a cease fire effective immediately. He did not want it. Anyone killed after that moment is entirely on Zelenskyy.
It is disgusting!I am ashamed to be American!
They are just traitors to what we stand for!
I am disgusted what Trump is doing to Canada!
Good people and our neighbor!
Why. ? ?
Why aren't the Dems having press briefings regularly to help raise attention and spark demonstrations? Why is there no concerted effort by you all??? Why are you hiding? and why did 10 Dems vote to censure Al Green? Who's side are they on? No one censured Margery Tailor Green when she heckled Biden
Terminate all musk contracts that taxpayers bears costs for exploding rockets and vehicles, doge cult breaching privacy of Americans, or satellites for Russia to use in tactical advantage worldwide
It’s a sin, pure and simple. To abandon an ally and hand him on a silver platter to a man who would shoot him in cold blood without a second thought is pure evil. Trump is evil.
What a terrible day for the free world. A convicted criminal ( felons can’t vote but can run for president) steering us towards a Cold War enemy partnership.
God Trump is really trying to collapse #Ukraine!!
Deliberately weakened #Ukrane an then is surprised Ukraine is difficult to deal with, what an incompetent sociopathic monster he is!!
Long Con Teflon Don has no empathy, his daddy shamed it out of him early on. We are left with someone that craves attention bc he didn't get it and power bc he doesn't know what true power is.
This has gotta be the CRULEST most unprofessional thing a president can do - but it's up to par for a traitor like trump. HE is actually helping the enemy of USA.This needs to end now. Giving the Russian enemy help is what a traitor does after the performance against Ukraine President "Zelensky".
Atleast put info out there as to where Americans should donate their money to help Ukraine, since our own government isn’t willing to protect Ukraine or Americans. President Zelenskyy is more our president than rump the traitor.
And then do good trouble. This isn’t normal.
Yeah I keep saying it. Have this exchange with my husband who keeps saying it's not time yet. I asked him, so is it time yet, when is 'enough is enough'?
Wow, curious when he thinks the right time will be? I don’t think we have anyone in the GOP who will vote to impeach— actually, in a WiLd twist, maybe McConnell would 🤢
Personally, I don't see the DUTY to bring the Articles as being dependent and driven by your wager about having the votes in the Senate for conviction. And the argument that it makes them look bad and partisan, no it looks bad to not do their DUTY, and that affects their future election, too. 1/2...
Why can't you hold this criminal organization responsible for what they're doing? This is no administration! These are not politicians! They are criminals working for a convicted felon!
Was our Constitutional law suspended? Does law or oaths even matter anymore?!!
And Russia killed eleven people with his new bombardment last night with no significant way to defend themselves. It’s all about paying ZELENSKY back for impeachment number one. He obviously has been helped in some way by Putin or Putin has something on him. I’m positive.
Check out:
They formed right after the first Trump term for the sole purpose of opposing his regime. Power to the People.
You do what Putin tells you…
Time to lock the imperial and imperialist president in a cage.
Unfortunately, the entities that should be checking the evil intentions of the oligarchy and the felon president have been neutered.
I can’t even refer to him as a person
Because, he’s a heartless vile creature
They are just traitors to what we stand for!
I am disgusted what Trump is doing to Canada!
Good people and our neighbor!
Why. ? ?
Aiding & abetting Russian assets is a serious crime & we’re watching.
No one will ever trust us again, and no one should.
He just publicly destroyed all trust in our word.
Who needs a GOP
Deliberately weakened #Ukrane an then is surprised Ukraine is difficult to deal with, what an incompetent sociopathic monster he is!!
In Trump World season 2, it's just another day. The alternate universe.
this is Trump you're talking about
and no, it most certainly is NOT beyond belief
And then do good trouble. This isn’t normal.
Why can't you hold this criminal organization responsible for what they're doing? This is no administration! These are not politicians! They are criminals working for a convicted felon!
Was our Constitutional law suspended? Does law or oaths even matter anymore?!!
To organize a "Save America Movement" (SAM) from coast to coast.
Every day Trump sits in OUR White House is another day of disaster for America.
Americans must come together, including MAGA that was lied to, and remove Donald Trump and Company.
We need SAM NOW