Full keypad. Keypad added wires, assembly steps, and input tracking in the software.
QR codes solve all this really well. The sensor scans for complete codes only, so no partial inputs. Built in error correction. You can pack hundreds of bytes in a relatively small space. Great!
QR codes solve all this really well. The sensor scans for complete codes only, so no partial inputs. Built in error correction. You can pack hundreds of bytes in a relatively small space. Great!
This system greatly simplifies all the online bits while making unlock codes truly unguessable.
The contract system was a lot of fun. In practice “task list” and “until i said so” were functionally the same. So this reduces everything to “until i said so”. One of my
I haven’t built a test housing for the new electronics but it should be a lot smaller.
Also swaps the rp-2040 core for an ESP32-S3.
Anyway, will keep tinkering and post an update. If there’s a way to greatly simplify