I grew up on the inside of Medicaid/public assistance--my dad was the county administrator and the director of public assistance--and I can unequivocally tell you that Mike Johnson and the GOP are fucking liars.
Abuse and fraud rates in Medicaid are insanely low.
Abuse and fraud rates in Medicaid are insanely low.
In fact, being on Medicaid is actually really frustrating and difficult. Guess how I know.
Need a refill early? Want an uncovered procedure? Too bad. You can't have it--not even out of pocket.
It literally illegal.
Travelling when your scrip renews? Too bad. You can't pick it up early and you can't fill it out-of-state unless your doc sends a new scrip.
Medicaid is a necessity.
Medicaid is important.
Medicaid is not something you'd ever pick if you had other choices.
Medicaid is not a free ride.
Medicaid is not easy.
Medicaid is not for funsies.
Medicaid is life or death.