This goes into detail of how much better life will br for 99% of the people after the revolution. Without endless wars or billionaires. No more slavery exploration genocide landback& reparations. No more zionist or fascists around. Socialized Healthcare. Housing as a human right
A Party not about winning elections. A party of revolution. Check out liberation news. Liberation school. The Socialist Program with Brian Becker.
A whole lot has been learned since the 1917 people's revolution. Claudia de la cruz karina Garcia great leaders. Among many.
the treaty of kars led directly to my husband’s paternal family’s ethnic cleansing. he drew the s. caucasus maps to stoke tensions and keep those countries from rebelling. i’m not objecting to communism, but to imperialism & ethnic cleansing. if that means i’m not a leftist, i’ll turn in my card
Ok, so I familiarized myself with the treaty a bit. Tbh it sounds like a clusterfuck, and the Soviets didn't have the upper hand. I don't understand why the Armenians voiced objections to the Soviets but didn't raise them in the negotiations when they had the chance.
i will get back to you! i had some salient research that i appear to have hidden from myself. v rude
anyway, if the armenians had had any allies during negotiations or weren’t just a few years off losing so many people and so much land to genocide, they might’ve been a bit more assertive
Like all of these discussions, what it comes down to for me is: What would you like the Soviets to have done differently? There's gotta be an understanding of the historical context and what was actually possible at the time. And at that time, the Soviets were understandably conflict averse. Like,
I don't know all the details, but I can understand giving up land that might not be as economically important to the Union as a whole for the sake of ending conflict, even if that land was important to Armenia in particular. The Union had plenty of other resources to compensate for the loss. That
said, I would really need to see documents outlining the reasoning behind these moves, or lack thereof, because if studying history has taught me anything it's that one shouldn't apply intent without someone expressing that intent. The worst people in history were not shy about their intent, but
unrelated: am searching for breakup of yugoslavia/bosnian war sources and here’s one list from 2021. can’t vouch for any of them except the first reply lol, richard holbrooke?
finding historical info is so annoying as an adult, you have to check everyone’s references
Those are some /very/ broad strokes. I don't trust broad strokes. That's just the educator in me, not my bias toward communism. So, if you want to explain more or provide some sources, I'm all ears.
ok i looked up the stats and most agree on the death toll as ~4 million Ukrainians, which would have been 12–13% of the population at the time. also i read the letter from stalin to kaganovich in june 1932 in which he responds to reports of famine by saying ukraine has been given more than enough.
And they did have more than enough. You're ignoring what the kulaks did and blaming the communists. It sounds like you just want to blame the communists.
Stalin also admitted that they expected too much of the peasant farmers. To say it was a genocide is ridiculous. There was no intent.
i'm sure you're aware of the ethnic displacement of ukrainians from the northern caucasus region, though, which included giving their land to russian settlers. i would say that establishes intent, but i'm also very new to this subject matter and open to learning
This goes into detail of how much better life will br for 99% of the people after the revolution. Without endless wars or billionaires. No more slavery exploration genocide landback& reparations. No more zionist or fascists around. Socialized Healthcare. Housing as a human right
A Party not about winning elections. A party of revolution. Check out liberation news. Liberation school. The Socialist Program with Brian Becker.
A whole lot has been learned since the 1917 people's revolution. Claudia de la cruz karina Garcia great leaders. Among many.
anyway, if the armenians had had any allies during negotiations or weren’t just a few years off losing so many people and so much land to genocide, they might’ve been a bit more assertive
finding historical info is so annoying as an adult, you have to check everyone’s references
Stalin also admitted that they expected too much of the peasant farmers. To say it was a genocide is ridiculous. There was no intent.