yeah, feels like one of those areas where ,for all its coolness, the absolute focus on the horus heresy while completely abandoning all the stuff like Forge World or GW campaign books & lore channels to YouTubers means there's just a generation of chuds who think 40k is literally 100% space marines
Dark Eldar /Drukhari still exist, theyre just outta focus right now. Rumors are they might be whos planned as the little brother army for 11th tho. Plus they can now be fielded as Ynnari in the 10th ed codex
this is entirely my actual plan for the army im collecting is a Ynnari list thats half Drukhari and half Aeldar lol, though I'm planning to use some age of sigmar Daughters of Khaine units for my Drukhari
I'd also bet money its because then they have to acknowledge lore bits like "there are woman in the Asuryani and the Drukhari (like Jain Zar, Lkhykis, Yvraine, Lelith) that can 1v1 a space marine lore figure and win"
And let's not forget Shadowsun, who killed the Raven Guard's Chapter Master and made a fool out of the White Scars' Chapter Master in the same campaign.
I have a fucking tourist in my fucking office. He was talking all about "intolerant memes" yesterday the whole day. So I shut him down by asking him to bring his army up to 1.5k points so we can play a game on Friday... He was pissy that it's discriminatory for me to ask him to have 40k minis...
These tourists are the weirdest fucking people. They'll say that gatekeeping is good and you should keep gays and women and POC out of the hobby but the second you start asking them show you thier paint jobs suddenly it's "exclusion" and "Snobbery" and "I'm a bigger fan then you because I hold the
My "legit" entry point (aka first army I bought ever) was the 4th edition nids... before that I kinda got the Inquisitor and Rogue Trader: Warhammer 40k games via...
Buddy is complaining about tourists in the hobby when he isn't even in the hobby. That's like if I complained that someone else put raisins in their cereal that I'm not eating and had no intention of eating
Its fascinating how the Standard Anti-Bigot Blocklists also clear the Assholes from my 40k, D&D and Helldivers feed.
Eldar, DEldar (who don't exist anymore?) & Slaanesh Daemon campaign for the Fall? so much stuff that could be rich for a campaign book
Tau Nid Orks
Imps take up so much space tho
I mean Space Marines can't kill eachother (Usually) and it's gotta get boring fighting robots, bugs and mushrooms all the time.
And let's not forget Shadowsun, who killed the Raven Guard's Chapter Master and made a fool out of the White Scars' Chapter Master in the same campaign.
(ALso their knowledge of the lore is often pretty spott the further away from The Astartes you get TBH)
I can arse pull more Astartes Lore then they can... I never understood their shite ideas and tastes tbh.
Wana be macho? Go swordfight with me bro! It'll be fun bro! We can Zig-Zag snipers together bro! I know a minefield we can try and navigate bro!
(I also enjoyed the MIlitarum and dabbled in them because thier lore was cooler then the Astartes to me,lol)
Yarrr harrrr harrr...