Best argument I heard against immortality: You are statistically garantied to end up stuck in place you cannot escape from. Not beeing able to die means being stuck for eternity.
If i can't die and assuming it's the "body stays intact" type immortality ill just start walking to the continental shelf if i can't just jump. Would I go insane after the first few kilometers in pitch blackness? Yes
Would my lifeline be a random ROV? Yes
Baller as hell if i get out? You bet
If my body stays intact I would genuinely just wait for either an ROV, a volcano or the subduction of the earth to consume me
Or the ship to rust away completely
Again, I'd go fucking insane after the first hour at best
One hell of a story when it's inevitably over though
And the perspectives you'd get! If you were the only immortal person, you'd see how history "rhymes" and all that. Really become an expert in human nature. It could be so interesting to experience ages like that!
I wish I was immortal. I think I could fill up eternity. People come and go but imagine being able to really dive deep into something without worrying that there are other things you wont have time for. Learn all languages, all crafts, read a lot, play games... Sleep wouldn't feel like time theft.
a lot of ppl die buried in rubble after disasters
*you wont*
Would my lifeline be a random ROV? Yes
Baller as hell if i get out? You bet
can be a variety of reasons
pressure differential, the hull material, damage, etc
Or the ship to rust away completely
Again, I'd go fucking insane after the first hour at best
One hell of a story when it's inevitably over though