No I mean I get the appeal, Mongols on bikes. The Khan absolutely btfos Fulgrim too, pretty cool Primarch. I just prefer brutality and terror, personally.
Kurze is also a horribly little goblin which helps.
And don't get me wrong the Khan is a well written person but because he acts like a person he is more subdued than the other Primarchs who act like professional wrestlers overselling their gimmicks.
I agree wholeheartedly. I think the main reason more people don't play them is probably just because they're hard to paint, with their armor being mostly white. Painting Night Lords is a nightmare, I can't imagine trying to do marines AND their bikes. Still cool, though. Kurze is just Owlman.
And don't get me wrong the Khan is a well written person but because he acts like a person he is more subdued than the other Primarchs who act like professional wrestlers overselling their gimmicks.