The same people who get upset over ethnicity and gender in 40k are the same people who jerk off to Jessica Rabbit. Just sad that they can't simply enjoy imaginary space battles.
Why do people expect planets to be entirely composed of one skin color when the one populated planet we know about has people of wildly varying skin colors?
Even more when the imperium practice massive population deportation on a systemic scale to balance its work force/repopulate after a war .
The imperial population "look" should be diverse to an absurd degree including phenotypes that don't exist in our current world (catachans for example) .
Like, a population of humans looking like this wouldn't be unheard of in 40k. They probably wouldn't even be considered divergent enough to be deemed "abhuman".
Humanity's been spreading through the galaxy for 25,000-30,000 years by the time of 40k. They've diversified and changed.
More than that, there was enough arcane hijinks done to the human genome in the DAoT that they could well be as genetically close to us as we are to Homo Denisovian.
Don't even get me started on what the Fenrisians got up to before the Age of Strife.
There're several abhuman strains like that actually. One has blue skin, red eyes, black hair, and probably was written during the time period where Administratum tanks looked a LOT like Trade Federation Grav Tanks.
the funny part is, skin color of your troops is whatever you paint them. Nothing can stop you from painting up all your Imperial Guard as the Orions from star trek.
See how he tactically says Ultramarines too, because he knows Deathwing and Imperial Fists have poc cover/game art from 90s. Desperately trying to grasp on to the straws
At 28mm it's actually pretty difficult, I think, to sculpt South Asians as different from Europeans. (Difficult isn't the same as impossible mind or to say either group have 'one' look but that's partly my point)
knowing how many fucking worlds the UM chapter pulls from for Astartes recruiting and expecting every single one to be 100% white isn’t the Imperium of 40k it’s the fucking Turner Diaries
That's why the only answer to those guys is a liverpool kiss or a 4K baboon butt picture.
It's grey. I know a lot of you still haven't painted that half of the starter box you split with a friend.
The imperial population "look" should be diverse to an absurd degree including phenotypes that don't exist in our current world (catachans for example) .
Humanity's been spreading through the galaxy for 25,000-30,000 years by the time of 40k. They've diversified and changed.
Don't even get me started on what the Fenrisians got up to before the Age of Strife.
fuckin Navigators even.
All technically human enough to count.
(Yes, I know he's actually a hypocrite who did it for convenience)
And after last year's stroke, this is all I got left. Factoids pointing to things I no longer know.
Iirc, the Malifaux faction was the Ten Thunders.
But I lived.
Betrayer. 2012