Nestle boycott starts tomorrow. All their products are listed here:
Amazon purchases was the one that I used. Note the past tense verb there.
I have the annual Prime for the videos, and I won’t renew.
(I know, it's USA today.)
A+🔵🟢🟡🟠🔴 F
F 🔴Nestle
Public research database
200 orgs rank 2,000 brands on biz ethics
30 years data, updated ~qtrly
Started at U of CA-Davis
🔎by company or category
Ex. Paper products
Re: Bad social/enviro biz
•Human Rights
Child labor, sweatshops, slavery, worker health /safety records, human traffick, developing world exploit, intl health issues, economic divest, union busting, fair trade, worker fatalities, livable wages, democratic principles
Climate change, renewable energy, toxic waste dump, recycle, eco-innov, sustainable farm, ocean conserve, rainforest destroy, ecosystem, pollution
Animal Protect
Humane, factory farm, animal habitat preserve, sustainable seafood harvest, animal test, animal-free alts, vegan-friendly
Family farms, nonprofit allies, local biz, sustain, campaign $, paid lobbyists, polit corrupt, greenwash, transparent
Social Justice
(race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, religion, ethnic)
class-action lawsuits, unethical, govt fines, cover-ups, illegal, exec pay
We just switched up Garden of Life supplements as it’s easy to forget what powerhouse product lines they own!
Always an alternative! Giddy up and let’s go…
I'd be pissed if I were one of them.
I'm targeting red state bourbon, Florida orange juice, etc.
This blanket boycotting could backfire big time.
This is a lot of work and a GREAT reference! Thank you for sharing and explaining how Nestlé works.
Very impressive!