Familiars tended to follow their humans everywhere, so it was only natural for Rocky and Gem, his Mommy's fox, to trot after them out the door.
Eijirou was even small enough to ride on Rocky's back with no problem as they walked past store fronts.
Eijirou was even small enough to ride on Rocky's back with no problem as they walked past store fronts.
But their destination was the biggest store in the district.
The Familiar Place.
Mama and Mommy let him go with a laugh and a wave.
Finding your familiar was a right of passage and used to be done by sending children off into the wilderness by themselves.
Eijirou wandered around the store, weaving through enclosures and cages, waiting for the spark.
Mama said he would feel the spark in his heart when he found his familiar.
It felt like hours and he hadn't felt a single thing.
What if he didn't have a familiar?
The first sob he let out was ugly and heart wretching. Several animals around him turned to see what the commotion was but didn't react other than that.
But then the sound of barking.
He followed the barking to what seemed like a back corner, no windows and barely any light but there was a cage.
He squinted at the sign.
His Mommy had been teaching him to read and he was pretty good at it!