It shouldn’t matter that he’s a nice guy. -If he were a total dick, would it be okay to take away his rights? I also don’t agree with his perspectives. But all that matters is that we have freedom of speech in America, and it’s revolting that the government seeks to take that away.
So we’re supposed to overlook the fact that he protested for the freedom of people who have been murdered, raped, and forcibly removed from their land? No. Character references don’t change the truth—his stance was on the right side of history.
Just to say the quiet part out loud: Republicans don't care about the Jews, they care about Israel. And they don't even really care about Israel per se, they just think God's chosen people need to have control of the holy land before Jesus will come back and start the skeleton wars.
The first time I heard that I was floored. I've never been a Christian, let alone an Evangelical, the notion of intentionally ushering in the end times seems, I don't know, bad, somehow?
They all think they're getting raptured to heaven, which I don't see as a good foundation for foreign policy.
I hate that we're having to offer character witnesses for a guy who never should have been imprisoned in the first place. I don't care if Khalil is the biggest dick in the country, it doesn't matter, his character isn't relevant to the constitution, that's the whole fucking point.
Sorry. I'm not impugning his character, I'm not trying to turn my nose up at his friend's testimony, I'm not saying everyone shouldn't try every angle that exists, I'm saying no one should have to.
Certainly true. For what it's worth, these declarations are being presented to bolster his request for granting bail while the matter is being adjudicated, so his character and behavior are specifically at issue.
They all think they're getting raptured to heaven, which I don't see as a good foundation for foreign policy.
I'm not trying to diminish the good, just accentuate the bad.
Also I'm venting.
It's good that people are speaking up for Khalil, I hope the judge listens.