Ok … so I did an attempt at rabbit holing to find actual evidence of ancient stim toys (worry stones, worry beads, etc …)
One of my parents told me about them decades ago but I can’t find any evidence beyond blurbs by ppl selling them so
does anyone have legit articles about *real* ancient ones?
One of my parents told me about them decades ago but I can’t find any evidence beyond blurbs by ppl selling them so
does anyone have legit articles about *real* ancient ones?
(Before machines or spinning wheels, you would every spare moment, whirr a drop spindle like a yo-yo with your free hand to turn wool into thread).
Making clothes was extremely time consuming.
Weaving + knitting are pretty fidget-friendly activities too..
She was never diagnosed with anything, but given her descendants i'm pretty sure 😉
Whether rubbing the beads together calmed the user's mind for sensory or for spiritual reasons, to them it probably didn't occur to even make a distinction.
I have seen multiple references to “worry stones” and “worry beads” used for anxiety but all references are from people selling them as “ancient wisdom” … someone did bring up Baoding balls which have been in use for centuries … and references to walnuts used before the balls.
Many are replicas, esp for tourist dollars but the idea is sound.
(heh, pun?)
There are numerous refernecs to ppl in China doing hand exercises with Walnuts for over 1000 years.
I am seeking more details on this and similar legitimate account.
I am assuming there must be similar verification for “worry beads” and “worry stones”
I am looking for details not being propagated by people who *sell* them though.
So very excited to find those details!
I am not interested in claiming that Catholic religious artifact and practice since circa 1500s is a stim toy *instead* of an an act of faith.
Thank you!
I am looking for a *reliable* *source* saying how long Worry beads/ komboloi/kompoloi have been in use as a stim toy (and not a prayer beads)
For instant WenWan Walnuts are confirmed to be 2000+ years.
Thank you
I am looking for sources that aren’t commercially capitalizing on the modern iterations.
And has actual language elements and historical details beyond “they existed”
Thank you!
The Komboloi and Its History
by Aris Evangelinos
I'm still not satiated - if I only had language access to those cultures *sigh*.
If you were in nature?
Lot of potential stim toys?
I am looking for a something Akin to “here is a photo of a worrystone from a [ancient year]”
Instead of claims by people selling them that they were used in ancient time
Very rare opportunity can’t remember the last time I got to say ‘begs the question’
Not sure people actually intentionally made them for that purpose
It’s credible but I am looking for actual sources not selling them.
Thank you but no this does not meet my request for:
- historical evidence of the use of Komboloi (or other stim toy) *not* directly sourced by an entity *selling* them. -
Thank you though.
Searching Google Scholar with "worry beads" got me:
and finally:
The links are hard for me to follow. The book on “pagan prayer beads” is factually interesting to me but those are *religious* items.
*prayer* artifacts are items of *prayer*
The best I have found is this paper that confirms that WenWan Walnuts have been in use for 2000+ years
I have previously found the privately owned “museum” run by a married couple that sells them.
I am looking for a resource that isn’t a store.
If all beads are “worry beads” then why would people call worry beads “worry beads” instead of “beads”
I am looking for additional details on what is already claimed to be real and existent things.
Thank you though.
Regardless I found an answer to my question which is that WenWan walnuts have been around for at least 2000 years.
Thank you though
Your speculations are interesting but unrelated to the topic.