I want to know more about the mass deportations. Who will be documenting everything? Who will be hunting for the plans, via public records requests & every other conceivable lawful avenue to discover what is being done to 18 million human beings?
Are the Brownshirts going to shoot the women who stand in their way to round up the undocumented immigrants?
- Joel C. Rosenberg, The Auschwitz Esca
Who’ll be monitoring transfer
sites? What about the inevitable
deaths? Who’ll provide medical
for ill & injured, & how will this be
paid for? What vehicles to be
used? What’ll happen in states
that refuse Guard participation?
Who coordinates? What about
EMT services?
BIDEN'S inflation? That's bullshit.
Again be separated forever, lost and secretly adopted out. Remember Betsy doing this?
Count on this: a few will make a shit ton of money moving and housing the deportees.