6. Chinese dominance of rare earth minerals (antimony, coltan, etc.) critical to military weapons systems and communications
6. Chinese dominance of rare earth minerals (antimony, coltan, etc.) critical to military weapons systems and communications
7. Chinese dominance of future-critical electric technologies (solar, wind, etc.) and battery technology
8. Worsening of climate-change-driven damage (e.g. hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, fires), destabilizing insurance markets and raising premiums, and raising agricultural and food costs
9. Degradation of American infrastructure, causing massive waste (delayed commutes, damage to vehicles) and raising transport costs for all goods
10. Huge increase in the ability of internet actors to target children, divide the American people for profit, and drive general hysteria over phantoms while problems 1 through 9 are utterly ignored
1. U.S. federal government run by and for the direct benefit of Elon Musk and other centi-billionaires, who have no actual loyalty to the United States, only to their own wealth, and who now have no check upon their actions
2. Tariffs on Chinese and all other foreign goods, which will make Chinese manufacturing far more attractive to all other countries and accelerate the decline of the United States as an economic power