Thank you so much for including me with these great people
Thank you to helping families
We are stronger together
For our children's future
Thank you for including me in your pack! I'm here to talk #birthcontrol #menopause #reproductiverights #ERA #religiousfreedom #freedomofspeech #separationOfChurchAndState #IncompetenttRUMP #IncompetentMusk I'm at Mom, pediatrician, #asianamerican #MomSky #Resistance
Thank you so much for including me in this stellar pack of moms, truth tellers, content creators, and defenders of democracy.
Proud to be here.
#MomSky 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you to helping families
We are stronger together
For our children's future
Proud Mom and Tele-nester (as opposed to empty nester)