It's especially grim how she's jumped on the anti-woke/blame identity politics bandwagon after being witness to that rancid politician who made the funny tinge slur in a news studio.
The basic argument I can gather from the interviews doesn’t even seem to me to be about identity politics or about anything more complicated than some people are arseholes and it’s hard to get them to do anything.
Like it’s identity politics because that’s the specific vector by which this person is being obstinate, but that’s incidental. And I don’t really see how getting the same arseholes to say “capitalism” instead of “Patriarchy” really solves much.
It’s more or less a boiler plate criticism of annoying woke scolds. People who are too easily offended, how this makes organising on the left impossible, and that’s it really.
Yeah it’s strange imo when someone with a fairly unorthodox perspective decides to just fall into line. Like, idk how many more “the left are too censorious” people we really need, especially because it’s a decades old trope and saying it over and over seems to do nothing.