Unfreakingbelievable! Vile Mike Johnson cut off the House live feed today as he didn’t want us to see Dems protesting Al Green’s censure.
A heinous act worse than state run media.
Or maybe the Republicans are getting scared…
A heinous act worse than state run media.
Or maybe the Republicans are getting scared…
Have you seen this. She said they shut down the live feed. I guess that’s their mo now, if it bothers them shut it down (town halls, live feeds …)
But, their abandoning their constituents & no longer pretending to care about them forces constituents to wake up to reality & join whatever resistance/protest movement against this government.
A lot of ppl want to pretend this isn't happening.
Capitol too.
Genius, pure genius.
Get tough @democrats.org
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
The US Constitution wasn’t designed to allow consolidation of power under one branch of government! That is called Authoritarianism and must be stopped at all cost!!