Populism is when the unelected richest man in the world can tell an entire political party what to do on the social media platform he bought and ruined and get what he wants 100% of the time.
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Have they? They believed Trump when he said, “Drain the swamp.” That infers the opposite of what you're saying.
Whether or not they should have believed him is an entirely different conversation.
Honestly, how many times a day does Cenk do his faux hysteria bit off camera? You know when he gets even louder and throws his hands in the air to make a bad point?
Cenk and Ana have been cozying up to right wing grifters since the election. Ana has been on a much longer right wing pivot but Cenk has been really bad too lately. It’s disgusting.
Are you talking about them doing right-wing shows? So, you don’t believe Cenk when he says he’s trying to build a Populist coalition from both sides?
While I can't speak to ulterior motives, that strategy makes sense to me on the face of it.
Unless there’s something I'm missing. (again, sincere)
I’m a troll? I’ve been following TYT for over a decade. If you can’t see this latest shift happening I don’t know what to say. Cenk is either stupid, or being disingenuous for financial reasons. I don’t think he’s stupid.
No , I don’t believe him anymore. He has raised money many times on the back of his audience but continues to be a slave to the corporate interests he claims to be against. Cozying up to people like glen beck and Shapiro is gross .
The money thing is a fair critique. I can't entirely take his claim at face value. However, if Cenk opened their books and was transparent…
“Continues to be a slave to corporate interests”? You might have lost me on that one. Define cosying to Shapiro. I know Ana did two debates, but… cosying?
Cenk slept on the religious left and other pathways for too many years to be trusted when it comes to building coalitions now... To be trusted working with liars his own media company documented for us.
Here's a full breakdown. It is clear they're not acting in good faith. Their appearances involve actively throwing the their loyal viewers under the bus along with their values. It isn't a shift to focus less on social issues and find unity it is a shift to trash the left https://youtu.be/btHYSIH-weA?si=NYqSmA9Yt4_j8CKV
I can verify all of this because I haven't missed a main show for years until it got too upsetting to watch about a month ago. I gave them a lot of grace out of misplaced loyalty for too long
Whether or not they should have believed him is an entirely different conversation.
Funny how 35 years after "winning" the Cold War USA got own feudal peasant class. Just like new-old ruZZia.
While I can't speak to ulterior motives, that strategy makes sense to me on the face of it.
Unless there’s something I'm missing. (again, sincere)
“Continues to be a slave to corporate interests”? You might have lost me on that one. Define cosying to Shapiro. I know Ana did two debates, but… cosying?