I wonder when "cringe" as a concept will peak, how is adding wings now cringe? Are there people shaming people from deviating fromg a specific design philosophy now instead of doing something actually emberassing or tryhardy?
you bet! its all over the place, the shame of cringe is real
I think folks associate the word more with personal embarrasment from being genuine with feelings, and that makes ppl vulnerable- so yeah, liking something not as 'hip' may count as cringe for some folks
I blame places like TicToc, every single time an art drama video pops up or gets shared its almost always some young artist on it getting shit on for not doing things a popular artist (usually gives bad or wrong advice) does, having a unique style or just daring to not follow a current trend.
Its such a destructive enviroment that just feeds on itself. Social media wont care what its promoting, as logn as it creates engagement these kinds of communities and sentiments will rise to the top due to controversies.
(╯°w°)╯︵ ┻━┻
add both, then add some other species, fictional, mythical, any of 'em
the halves shall be infinite and that is final
I think folks associate the word more with personal embarrasment from being genuine with feelings, and that makes ppl vulnerable- so yeah, liking something not as 'hip' may count as cringe for some folks
Cringe is fake. The true self is the absurd self and absurdity is simply love unrestrained.