I did switch over to steam deck for those 3rd party games (and free online) but there's no doubt in my mind that something like death stranding can be compressed for the switch! They got BotW and the Witcher 3 after all 🙏
Poor optimisation is a huge issue with tech now imo. It extends to everything, not just games. It used to be important to make yer software run on shitty systems. Now they just laugh at you for not having the latest/greatest hardware. Just look at how long it takes to boot up WORD on an average PC
Agreed XD Switch hardware ain't great but that is by standards set by other consols. It's plenty good enough to run a well optimized games at just fine framerates and even none optimized ones at times
it’s so annoying bc it’s clearly NOT a performance issue but an optimization issue but everyone’s soooo quick to jump on the switch and call it dog shit it’s soooooo annoying
god, it grinds my gears when people act like the switch has zero processing power whatsoever like? an ex-friend tried to discourage me from getting the outer worlds on switch because 'oh it runs bad and looks like shit' like? it runs fine and looks good idk what you're talking about
I am just waiting for a Nintendo system where the first party devs have enough head room to always give us locked 60 fps. But even then, they push graphics and we are back to unstable 30. it's happening even with ps5 and series. We did not need a PS5 Pro.
More and more Switch games have performance issues now, even first party games. Both zelda and mario at launch didn't really have the best presentation either. BoTW ran at unstable 30 and Odyssey had to use DRS to hit 60 fps. People just want to have those first party games in the best light.
Remember when they somehow put Resident Evil 2 on a N64 cartridge and it had additional content not in the original release? Remember the days of optimization? Yeah...
I'm reminded of an anecdote by one of the devs from the ps2 ratchet and clank games about the one guy in the office they had to ask any time they added something that hit performance.
Dude would sit in silence for ten minutes thinking about where they could make up the framerate before replying.
How about Jak & Daxter where it was people programming the game and then another guy translating all that code into other code so they could get away with as few loading screens as possible? Optimization is an art form, I swear.
totk is probably one of the most technically ambitious games ever successfully finished. a feat of engineering and teamwork. anyone who says the switch is incapable is clearly unfamiliar with game dev, or video game history in general.
if youre interested in some of the technical aspects of the game, i recommend the gdc talk ofc. the part on procedural audio effects is, to me, a testament to nintendo's ability to make anything work. https://youtu.be/N-dPDsLTrTE
It's basically insane how the switch hardware can handle games. Even if it's not on pair with like PC, PS5, or xbox series X, nintendo doesn't aim for the highest graphics in games. They always aim toward creativity.
But I also wish they would aim for stability in performance. When I launched Tears of the Kingdom and it lagged I was disappointed. Creatively is great but this hardware was a huge miss.
I mean I played it docked and didn't experience lag except for during my second playthrough. I have the OG switch too. The oled while it's not a great improvement it does better with newer titles.
Wouldn't say the hardware was a miss but the joycons sure were.
The way people talk about the switch “aging hardware” is so funny to me, like if you put Mario Oddysey in today it would barely run because they’re all old
Id agree if Nintendos owm games didnt hitch and drop fps frequently to the point of annoyance. The Switch is just very outdated. Yes there are plenty of badly proframmed games for it...I own a few but dont act like the hardware isnt old af.
I mean the switch hardware has a lot of issues, but added on top is corporate greed. That's the real issue. And it won't stop with the switch 2, everyone will just enable DLSS instead of optimizing and sadly i think this might even apply to first party nintendo games (very sparsely)
Switch hardware is shit. There's no doubt about it. But Nintendo doesn't help any third party to optimize it's games (not even their own, poor game freak xD), which only makes Nintendo a shitty company imo
mh rise is a gorgeous game and it runs fine at 30 on the switch idk what the hell people are on about the switch not being able to handle it. WILDS on my better hardware looks worse than rise on my switch because of poor optimization.
Switch had outdated hardware when it released but it's still capable to play games lol
It's mostly developers that either don't care or are so crunched that they can't optimize the game at all.
I've seen people say that windows 98 runs faster on back then hardware than windows 11 runs on top of the line hardware today
You can call out pokemon.
Dude would sit in silence for ten minutes thinking about where they could make up the framerate before replying.
Wouldn't say the hardware was a miss but the joycons sure were.
It's mostly developers that either don't care or are so crunched that they can't optimize the game at all.