We have a high of -8 next week. We've been above freezing twice since November, whereas last year we only had one week where we didn't have a high of 40 every day.
Lol my first business trip out of college was to MN, WI & MI right after a storm. As I slid through a snowy intersection in a rental car, the radio said, "it's 10 degrees above zero" & I realized I could never live anywhere you have to qualify what side of zero you're on. 🤣
north of Tampa and its been "cold" for so long this year!
*i grew up in far north of canada, my northern cred is so GONE.
**to wit - im a total wuss bundled up in a giant fuzzy robe and its well above freezing lol. 1st world problems.
I was rolling my eyes a bit, because I live in Canada, and then my wife, who's from California called me on it with: "He likely doesn't even own a parka!" So, I'm sorry for my intial lack of sympathy. =)
We had -28 Celsius overnight where I live. Went up to -11 today. It’s dam cold. I’m wintering with tea , good book, movie, Bluesky and fresh apple crisp made from apples we grew last summer.
Our little kitty slipped out the front door yesterday. Fortunately my wife saw her under a chair on the porch, and grabbed her before she got away. It's 2 degrees Fahrenheit here, my fur baby belongs inside.
Hey John! We met in Oklahoma City at Soonercon. Any chance you could give us a follow and repost??? I have reviewed your books and am a HUGE fan! Thanks in advance!!
The great thing about using Celsius is that you go into minus much more often and it is usually less painful which means there is less dread when it happens.
Come to #Paraguay. Summer time here is over 90F a cold day in the winter is maybe 60F since 14 years ago never experienced below 32F. Though I grew up in Michigan and know below 0F, I find 60F to be unbearable cold now. It is summertime now.
We're sorry for the interruption in seasonal weather services. The space laser weather satellite in your region requires a reboot. ETA for return to normal is March.
My favorite Ron White joke was when he was in a camper and the thermometer read 0 and his wife asked him what the temperature was and he said “There isn’t one!” 🤣
The good news is, it's going to be 10 degrees colder next week, which is getting into more interesting territory, e.g. "hey, let's go outside to see what this insane temperature feels like!"
Ohio is going to get colder than that next week according to my weather app. Ugh. It’s like Mother Nature is slapping us down for having mild winters the past few years.
I lived in northern Minnesota for three years. It would stay below zero for weeks on end. I’m easy to please now, as long as its above zero I’m alright.
When humans migrated into the Northern Hemisphere, they turned all pasty and big-eyed, like Gollum. It's not natural. I need some proper sunlight, dammit.
we got snow last Friday
That not part of the deal here in Alabama
We suffer/deal with blast furnace level temperatures in the summertime , so we do not have to suffer snow in the winter.
I trying to find that contract so I can complain about the cold and snow .
you're probably sick of this contrarian nonsense, but I would genuinely love to experience winters like that where I am. I'm lucky if it ever gets below 10'C in winter here in Adelaide :(
I still daydream about Ottowa when the world weather forecast comes on in the middle of summer here..
You grew up in Ohio, right? I grew up in Toledo. This is just the last gasp of old school winter. Or the foreboding harbinger of winters to come. Hmm...not sure which I like less.
imo it’s spiritually more violent when it’s single digits. Minus anything affirms the extent of the insult. But when the weather lady says “with a high of two” it cuts to the bone
As a Canadian, I like Celsius in the winter and Fahrenheit in the summer. In winter, I want to know where I am in relation to the freezing point of water. In summer, I want a finer grain of detail. The difference between 78 and 80 F is clearer than 25.5 versus 26.6 C.
This is my first Celsius winter and I found, as the temps started to drop, that there is a visceral reaction to single-digit - especially low single-digit - temperatures. I have to remind myself that 3 or 4 degrees is a pleasant, early spring day in Minnesota.
Hope it warms up!
from this suffering
Jan is the worst because the short daylight, post holiday crash, and frigid temps all collide in my mind.
Looks at weather app while taking painful morning dump.
Increasingly Irritated Weather Deity
*i grew up in far north of canada, my northern cred is so GONE.
**to wit - im a total wuss bundled up in a giant fuzzy robe and its well above freezing lol. 1st world problems.
If it's not in your profile, you should give us the context.
And about 6 feet of snow and 2-3 of snow coming this weekend
I feel like I'll finally be able to breathe.
I’d like temperatures above freezing.
(no degree sign with Kelvin)
-signed, a failed physics major
It will always be positive then
*looks at thermometer*
*laughs slowly turn into sobs*
VERY scary.
A reasonable live below that temperature is unthinkable 🙃
Now you know.
*Which I still spell correctly.
That not part of the deal here in Alabama
We suffer/deal with blast furnace level temperatures in the summertime , so we do not have to suffer snow in the winter.
I trying to find that contract so I can complain about the cold and snow .
I still daydream about Ottowa when the world weather forecast comes on in the middle of summer here..
Just go in the settings and change it back to K