Reposted from
Keith Avery
lawful good = you return OTHER people's carts
I also look for the cart that's in the way, and grab it to use on my way into the store.
Now having a cart to lean on to get from the handicap spot to the door is pretty handy, actually, but it can't be left blocking anything. The rest of the parking lot has no excuse.
Lawful would return the cart and track down the offenders.
I enjoy that interaction from both sides.
still chuckling
(en serio, i do too & i appreciate not being alone)
Damn my obligate LG-ness.
Luckily most of the places I shop have cart deposits so it doesn't happen too often.
Does that make me Lawful Neutral?
Also rearrange carts in corral so more can fit. 😇
It's just courtesy, and making life easier for people.
I am, however, old enough I don't try to ride them across the lot like a dog sled anymore.
Got a good parking spot?
I'll take the cart back in to the store. It's closer than the corral!
Please clap.
When I was in 7th & 8th grade I brought back carts from two blocks away to the grocery store.
Other alignments do it too!
When paid.
(Not accusing you of not writing, it's just an old writers' trick to avoid writing, their favorite thing to avoid, but doing literally anything but writing.)
Don’t answer it and ruin my illusions
At least that's how I look at it.
There are cart corrals but they tend to be scattered and some people can't be bothered to move it two steps anyway
he had gotten in line behind me at checkout. I don't know if it was my mask or my fleece-lined jacket. I'm usually confused for a nice lady, so it was a switch.
Always return your cart to a corral.
And always replace the toilet paper roll.
They do both and I feel pretty good about it.
By the way I am still getting used to how Bluesky highlights when different people I follow interact with one another. Kinda like automated eavesdropping? It certainly brings me some interesting tidbits I would otherwise certainly miss.
Regionalism is weird.
Tbh, though, imo small helps like that are the ultimate selfishness, because a) I don't want to hit their cart or be hit by it & b) I want other people to return mine if I don't. Cooperative society! It's good! Safer for all!
Especially if the cart's blocking an adjacent handicapped spot.
It's always a hoot to see the look on someone's face when they see a guy with a cane and placard returning *someone else's* cart.
Man, why can't people put their cart in the right row?
I collected quite a bit of money there by rounding up the abandoned carts, so money isn't always sufficient motivation to return them.
I went to a larger grocery store in Canada that had the same cart system but a much bigger lot + the carts were inside the first set of doors and it did not work as well, like people concluded it was not worth the effort.
Two of the three I've been to share large lots with a bunch of other stores.
I don't see many stray Aldi carts, but I don't actually see a ton for other places either.
Most people do seem to at least haul them to the corrals in the parking lot.
But in Manchester the local tesco and asda both use coins, I think it's a demographics thing as to who gets them
I left my coin in an asda trolley yesterday
Maybe it's the OCD.....
Must be nice.