had to reread this like three times because i didn't get it
still don't
is this like ironically saying non trans men are cool to subvert expectation or what my brain isn't working rn
Good post but was that too hard to write "embroidery that says 'Not all men have a vagina and that's alright. They're valid too.' With three small roses at the bottom"?
I’ve known 2 people in my life that were born with both sexes. And I’m not a healthcare worker, just anecdotal. I imagine nurses and drs see it a lot more.
I can still wish,,( its a joke ) self righteos fucrs and its none if their business. politicians that support that crap only for the votes and not a belief are even worse. Women need to start an agenda to make it a fine when s man touches himself( but he has to be wearing a suit) lol
It's okay buddy you don't need to write lazy ass ragebait comments under every somewhat political post you come across.
I legitimate feel pity for such a miserable creature like you.
Why is it that every Lib just resorts to writing hateful things and name calling toward anyone they disagree with? The party that's suppose to be all loving and accepting, far from it.
First of all I am not a Lib, I am a Communist I want edgelords like you to be institutionalized so mental health professionals can help put and end to your obvious misery.
*Enters Party.
*Shouts profanities and bullshit, with the goal pissing others of.
*"wHy Do pEOpLe hAte mE???"
These words you're using, do you know what they mean? Are you having dark thoughts? Can I call someone for you? Seriously, if you're considering harming yourself because maga told you a "penis makes a man" let someone help you. They lied to you and you fell for it.
still don't
is this like ironically saying non trans men are cool to subvert expectation or what my brain isn't working rn
So yes it’s a valid statement.
They think it makes us LESS.
Well, they are WRONG & they have FA’d enough.
P.S. Just heard: scientists have been able to create lab-made sperm, (or are really close to it), so WOMEN WON’T EVEN NEED MEN!
I legitimate feel pity for such a miserable creature like you.
*Enters Party.
*Shouts profanities and bullshit, with the goal pissing others of.
*"wHy Do pEOpLe hAte mE???"
I’m valid, too!
Even without a penis you are valued and seen. Go out and be great man.
Here's a mug with a hidden message just for you.