Ricky Starks is his real name. They want to own his WWE name so they can monetize it. - If he leaves them in the future, they don't want him using the same name and building off his fame. (Should be a red flag for any talent. But, here we are as usual)...
Does he own his own licensing and merchandising right, maybe? Like, maybe he owns his own rights and wasn't willing to sign it over to WWE and didn't have the bargaining power to change their minds.
Or come up with something better than just using the NFL team name of his hometown. If he was from Kansas City he would be High Cheif Ricky Maivia or some shit. WWE is going to shit all over Ricky.
I think AJ is a HUGE exception. Ethan Page likely just hasn’t been renamed yet. Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose all would like a word ;)