Moving on to public comment. First commenter was from Ravendale and had issues with the Traveler's Inn, which everyone in the meeting seems to know is a hotbed of seediness and crime.
The next commenter notes that the database used to track officers who have been convicted of a crime or of misconduct has been shut down by the Trump admin. She said it is incumbent on the community to make sure bad cops aren't just shuffled around.
Minister Eric Blount of Sacred Heart Catholic Church says the Board is concentrating on things outside its purview in order to look competent, while real issues are being ignored.
He mentioned citizens being wrongfully arrested due to being misidentified by facial recognition software.
A second commenter asked the department rep about Trump deleting the police misconduct register. DPD says it won't affect them at all, because they have their own list and exhaustive background checks.
He mentioned citizens being wrongfully arrested due to being misidentified by facial recognition software.