When they asked him of he was going to visit the site he scoffed, and said " what like...the water?" The me inside my head is screaming and pulling out fists full of hair.
Sounds a lot like the time a madman blew up an entire city block on Christmas Day, but xitler had lost the election and had the sads, and couldn't drag himself off of the golf course long enough to even ACKNOWLEDGE it happened. Never even called the mayor! Still hasn't to this day!
Here's a case where Dems should avoid the outrage. There is no point in him visiting the site. It's a busy airport and runway. Black boxes will tell us more than King Donny can. Criticize Blackhawk (Eric Prince).
He's so busy trying toʻ break his record of days on the golf course thinking about fwcking over the world. Think of the emporer's new clothes, except wearing Depends
I don’t understand the offense people take when presidents don’t visit crash sites. They should acknowledge it, sure. But tbh if one of my family members was in that crash, trump going to the site wouldn’t make it any better.
Palestine could barely cope with a Transport Secretary, nevermind a Presidential motorcade. They both waited until the appropriate time and when first responders could deal with them.
The air crash is in Washington DC, where the infrastructure exists because that's where the President should be.
fuck the police officer..time to stop making them out to be heros they are not. They signed up for a job and often abuse the trust they have. Just because they are cops does not make them any more important. Piss off
Because MAGAts don't give a damn about anyone else, but they saw the train accident as a good chance to do some damage to Biden. Now that Trump is in charge, MAGAts are back to not caring about anyone else.
He is in it to get rich.
Throw a penny at him, and he just might.
47 is worse.
trump gives a rat fucking ass about average Americans, his only concern is himself.
I think “what do you want me to do, go swimming?” Said it all
The US elected a moron. How?!
Yes, I want to see this fucker try swimming.
That would take integrity
and intelligence.
He has a plan, and it doesn't include the Americans people
(He said this at a press conference 🥲)
From Adam Parkamenko
Maga needs to use a whip
Maga want to DIE!
That is all starting to seem true!
The air crash is in Washington DC, where the infrastructure exists because that's where the President should be.
1. It's too soon. He'll be in the way.
2. He makes everything worse.
3. Considering the damage he's already done, stay away.
He is an ass hole.