More important, he undermined the US democracy for 4 years, and Biden did nothing to fix it. It's even easier now for Trump to achieve his objective of turning USA in a tyranny.
Elon Musk is a car salesman with Sadistic Personality Disorder. He has been handed the keys to run the United States Government. This is a bizarre twist.
Well, he'd already aligned with, and been installed by Putin, and is undermining and DESTROYING our own government's independence and democracy, so is it any wonder?
The twice-impeached criminally seditious traitor has been a WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY of Russia since the 1980s.
I’m just amazed with all the claims of patriotism that Americans have been screaming about for over a century, that the People and Democrats have basically/collectively (with some, but few exceptions) have just stood back and made it so easy for him. Just my view from Canada.
I gave up on the DNC when they purposefully deep-sixed Bernie's campaign in 2016, though I left the party even earlier, when I moved to a state with open primaries in 2011.
Until we abolish the Electoral College and our broken two-party winner-takes-all system, it's unlikely to get any better.
Awww is he crying? WTF is sanders gonna fucking do is what I want to know? They all knew he’d do this, and didn’t have anything planned. Pathetic bullshit. We live in an oligarchy, and democrats and Bernie is in on it. Easier to self enrich than govern.
Name a date and time for everyone who cares about America and our democracy to meet on the White House steps to effectuate a peaceful transfer of power back to we the people!
Actions speak louder than words! We need a solution not continue talking about the problem!
Why did democrats vote to nominate ANY fucking Republican????? I’m mad at everyone who voted for Marco Rubio. It’s almost as if we need a new Senate house. We need to just undo the government from the bottom up because there’s so many corrupt motherfuckers in it.
Amendment #29 - Abolish the presidency and create a voter responsive term limited presidential Executive Council, of perhaps 52 members, one for each state. that'll change things. I have written an amendment proposal.
Written into the amendment is a ceiling for campaign funding by any candidate, along with criteria of completing psychologically invenories, such as the MMPI.
Please don't just share on this forum. Tell your reps in DC what you think. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and best of doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Let's be clear. Zelensky is a true leader and trump is trying to retaliate against him because he (trump) was impeached and still blames President Zelensky for being caught.
The man in the white house is a traitor to this country as are all his minions who kneel to kiss his ring..they should be in cells in Guantanamo Bay for the lecherous traitors they are to everything American.
I mean is anyone surprised? People, those who voted and those who didn't (who are always the one's doing the most hollering and admonishing BTW) knew what they were getting this time around. Trump didn't pretend to be populist or pro-democrocy this time around.
The utter humiliation I feel to be allied with a revolting failed homicidal regime is devastating. He betrays our courageous veterans, our security, our freedom, and the rule of law. He is no patriot, no American and certainly not a President.
How can anyone make deals with a liar who is volatile, arrogant and just plain irrational. On the other hand Zelensky has showed great courage and restraint in such dark and desperate times facing down the other irrational, liar on the world stage in Russia.
As well as USA
A full blown non masquerading president in racism, bigot, lover of money, wealth beyond wealth skewers
The bunch of well subsidized by We The People
Plenty of no bid contracts or low competition .
America, good neighbour,
your cherished first son is lying to you. He IS throwing rocks at your neighbours. Also your rats are coming into our yard. Please do something about this. Canada
If those young imbeciles holding “free Gaza” and “death to America” signs decided to vote for Kamala instead of saying Biden was funding a war, we wouldn’t be talking to Putin first or building hotels in Gaza. Young people. You’re dumb due to the lies online. You need to STFU and do far better. Lazy
If Americans are not packing their bags and heading overseas (don't use planes) then they should be heading to their bunkers with their nearest go bag.
Fear. That's the best emotion, and that should trigger anger.
There's no way Democrats DIDN'T vote! The current numbers of people, Democrats, that were purged in the last election are up to 4+MILLION!! And then there's MUSK and his abilities to "help" get him elected in key states.. He cheated! Period!
Treaties torn, allies scorned, aid withdrawn, trust eroding faster than a sandcastle at high tide. Like a drunk after yet another all night bender we awake to sadly realize...
America is no longer part of the solution -we're part of the problem.
America, land of the free, home of the brave—until truth is treason, fear is law, and obedience is patriotism. The flag still waves, but now it watches...
The test isn’t coming—it’s here!
The question isn’t who will stand—but who will kneel.
Can we just say it plain? Billionaires are the most insecure of us. Having sought, but not found, validation in money, they pivot to power. Not addressing their inner emptiness. They don't know who they are. They seek external validation, love/ respect by force. They need hugs and help. Not power
Maybe you should hold a press conference and tell us what you think personally Bernie and then tell us what we should do about it maybe where is our other leaders Bernie. Are they afraid? Be bold and start fucking cussing.
Isn’t this treasonous behavior? He has put the health and safety of US citizens in the trash and aligned with our enemy, Putin. Among other things. Have duels been outlawed?
FAA employees responsible for America's missile defense system have been fired. Do you feel safe with SpaceX and Starlink possibly taking over? Especially since they may support Putin.
Who will be the first GOP simp to run out and parrot the "Ukraine started the war" talking point? The GOP doesn't seem to live in reality any longer and will back whatever crazy falls out of Trump's mouth on any given day.
The truth matters, and members of Congress need to act like it does as well.
The sad moment is 53 sycophants and co conspirators to the coup are determined to continue to destroy democracy. The 53 republican. What dirt has Putin got on them?
We need to admit it. Democracy is dead in the US. They are changing everything to assure we never win another election. We can't wait this one out. There is but one way to get it back now. My country meant everything to me. What did it mean to you?
And not a peep from the Republicans. It's shameful.There is no doubt that Russia invaded Ukraine. It's time for the Republican Senate and Congress to grow a spine, but I'm afraid they will just cave in to the rantings of the orange dictator
Bernie is not my favorite... There is so much he could have/should have done to help the poor and middle class; but he votes to keep wealth for himself and his friends.
Americans better WAKE UP. they better fight to keep our democracy. They better vote out all these republican cowards who are acquiescing to these Trump regime policies that are taking away our freedoms and way of life. WAKE UP.
Too many spineless bootlicking corporate suckasses allowed this to get to this point. Everyone knows who they are. Our obsession for material goods and wealth brought this tragedy of lack of character.
Trump also said that millions had died in the war with Ukraine. There have been fewer that half a million dead, over 345,000 have been Russian soldiers who never would have died had Putin not invaded. And don't forget the 10,000 North Koreans Putin used as fodder.
We have always known he was a Russian asset ever since his trip to Moscow in 1987. I fortunately 70 thousand MAGA’s wouldn’t believe it or were to stupid to care.
It’s like we are watching multiple fantasies play out. “King” is just a joke because Trump’s true fantasy is being emperor…of a whole lot of places. Meanwhile, Elon has fantasies of being Hitler, but with high tech available to him.
... Mark my words .. I give the USA 1 Year .. Perhaps OLD Poopypants will be able to destroy the entire Planed .. That's stinky's goal .. He has Syphilis and is dying .. He wants to take the Planet with him ...
Not since Hitler turned on Russia in WWII has a leader changed sides in the middle of a war. And, it’s not just Ukraine that Trump has turned on and undermined, it’s all the free nations of the world, beginning with America.
Hey Bernie! It’s a deflection, he’s actually trying to undermine the independence of the United States! Until you all realize this it’s just going to get worse
Bernie not only knows that, he's one of the VERY FEW who's been CONSISTENTLY SPEAKING OUT against the REPUBLICAN-LED FASCIST TAKEOVER of our GOVERNMENT.
Right now, President Zelenskyy is the leader of the free world. He is the one holding up the democratic Western alliance and defending the values that America stood for until last November—values that Europe still upholds today.
He won’t be impeached, since we lack the votes.
He won’t be arrested because he owns the DOJ.
He won’t be stopped for breaking additional laws, since SCOTUS gave him immunity.
Pretty scary shit, huh?
Torch bearers in the House & Senate must LIGHT UP!
People, you're not getting the truth from the right wing of the government or the media. Wake up.
The twice-impeached criminally seditious traitor has been a WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY of Russia since the 1980s.
May he ROT in HELL.
So much for their oaths of office, to protect our Constitution and democracy against ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN, and DOMESTIC.
The Republican party is now a domestic terrorist organization.
The Democrats?
Until we abolish the Electoral College and our broken two-party winner-takes-all system, it's unlikely to get any better.
Excellent article about what’s going on, including secret interviews with USaid workers etc.
The link take you to Google translate and the article in English. :)
Actions speak louder than words! We need a solution not continue talking about the problem!
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
1. The Gulf of Democracy ?
1. The Gulf of Get the Fuck Out of Ukraine
2. Gulf of Democracy
I vote for this.
#standwithUkraine #knowledgeispower #silenceisacceptance
A full blown non masquerading president in racism, bigot, lover of money, wealth beyond wealth skewers
The bunch of well subsidized by We The People
Plenty of no bid contracts or low competition .
your cherished first son is lying to you. He IS throwing rocks at your neighbours. Also your rats are coming into our yard. Please do something about this. Canada
Slava Ukraini!
Rushing Boeing may end up with some interesting results as they have trouble on their own timetables.
If Americans are not packing their bags and heading overseas (don't use planes) then they should be heading to their bunkers with their nearest go bag.
Fear. That's the best emotion, and that should trigger anger.
Sad. That's just sad.
those who pay the piper calls the tune
He’s undermining Ukraine’s independence and democracy…and our own.
America is no longer part of the solution -we're part of the problem.
America IS the problem.
The test isn’t coming—it’s here!
The question isn’t who will stand—but who will kneel.
The truth matters, and members of Congress need to act like it does as well.
Serling tried to warn us.
Haul him to the dungeon where he belongs.
Germany answer
trump is doing a CTRL-C of the russian regime.
Jake Broe
political opinions from someone that doesn’t know history or politics lmao
No worry, I’ve got an idea for 🇨🇦 as well😉
He won’t be arrested because he owns the DOJ.
He won’t be stopped for breaking additional laws, since SCOTUS gave him immunity.
Pretty scary shit, huh?
Any mortal can be stopped.
And now that he is King, when does he self promote to God? That's when we have a problem.