Ya. Russia has been funding his bankruptcies since the 80's. Putin was brilliant, picked the most desperate narcissist he could find and kept his name in neon lights. Pay back is a real bitch...for all of us.
From the article: “Mussayev’s claims are not the first time that a former senior KGB intelligence officer has publicly claimed that they were aware of Donald Trump’s recruitment to the KGB, but it is the first time that Trump’s alleged Russian codename, ‘Krasnov’, has been identified.”
According to Oleg Kalugin, a former KGB general, who served in foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, and during the Soviet era was Vladimir Putin’s direct superior, …
…Trump was on the radar of Soviet and Russian intelligence as early as the 1980s with claims that the KGB had kompromat on him, including reports of his sexual relationships with women.
Yuri Shvets, another former Soviet spy residing in the US, claims that the USSR cultivated Donald Trump since the 1970s, supporting his political ambitions and flattering him.
Two top ex-KGB men have said it, MI5 agents have said it.. US intelligence have concluded there was pro Trump interference from Russia during the 2016 election.. Trump is a Russian asset. The US president is taking orders from the Kremlin.
It's frustrating. I've been trying to tell everyone I knew this since 2016 and got called over-reacting. Americans who always imagined "commies" behind every bush were unfazed by a guy who said "Russia if you're listening..." and groveled every time Putin was in the room.
Seems more likely this is a new Russian disinformation campaign working to further divide Americans in an attempt to create a US civil war and destabilization.
On the other hand, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true. Who fucking knows anymore.
I really believe it is death of family Members or death to himself that motivates Drumpf. He doesn’t care about anything else. Ivanka was so traumatized at her moms funeral
Dear Supporters, I need your help more than ever! 🙏
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗 https://gofund.me/0af928df
Apparently, this is a fact according to Alnur Musayev, the former head of Kazakhstan's National Security Committee(KNB).
He was apparently assigned the codename of "Krasnov."
It is however important to note that none of this has been crroberated.
Anne Applebaum: Autocracies are run not by one bad guy but by sophisticated networks relying on kleptocratic financial structures, a complex of security services—military, paramilitary, police—and technological experts who provide surveillance, propaganda, and disinformation.
He should have never been president the first time around due to his relationship with Putin. At least then we had a congress that could keep his power reigned in. Why was he even chosen as a candidate in the first place?
I think the FBI and the CIA have known for years. We have always believed in our institutions and now we're finding out that they're just as complicit as the next guy
That is and has been clear. What is our military and CIA doing about it? What are our allies doing? Wait another month and the total destruction of our economy and democracy will be the case.
Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:
Treason shall consist only in levying War against the U.S., or in ADHERING TO OUR ENEMIES, BY GIVING THEM AID AND COMFORT. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
We don't doubt it. He needed cash during his troubled business career. He acts like he is on the take. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck he must be an asset.
I thought this was already a known fact. This is what gets to me. Trump has always been in w the mafia and the Russians. He was raised by them. His tower was built by them. Where did all the people who already knew trump and how evil he is go? Oh right, boomers.
No offense to any boomer who has kept up w the current times and reality. The ones who understand, help educate us, and guide us are devastatingly becoming less and less. It's difficult bc that is the gen that is in power. I'm just being honest. It's a conversation that's needed to occur for awhile.
A conversation, not a fight. An attempt to understand and unite. I'm trying with the younger gens myself. I'm not a huge tech person either. Idk what kind of education they had compared to mine. Their history ed might have been even more altered than mine and yours. Right now, all ed is up to us.
Meaning that ultimately, lack of or mis education is how this all happened. Falling for propaganda. Letting the Big Ball drop on human induced, insanely rapid climate change, the other reason this is all happening.
I know more boomers that have kept up with current events than any millennial so I do take offense. You could have made your post relevant without offending any specific generation.
Because they are convinced that history isn't real or only trumps version is real. They probably don't know that the mafia built alot of NYC. They owned the city until RICO took them down.
Trumpers actually like him more bc he is evil, corrupt, sexist, racist, rapist and out loud about it.
Definitely. Or if you wanted a job in construction, police, waste management, transportation, politics, etc. The mafia ruled much like how trump wants to and is ruling. I wish more people could see the similarities between how the mafia operated and how trump operates. We know he isn't the top boss.
I get the red. The beautiful is a far stretch. Unless, of course, it’s appealing to his vanity. The name Krasnov is derived from "krasny," which means "red" or "beautiful." It is a surname that reflects beauty and is often associated with individuals who may have red hair or a ruddy complexion.
Sounds about right. In 1987 Trump declared that the US should be out of NATO after returning from a visit to Russia. Personally I think the Russians have him on film committing indecent acts on underage people. That's just me. I like to think the worst of people like Trump.
That’s actually what the ‘Steele dossier’ reported and Trump has been fighting [like hell] to discredit it ever since, that’s when “fake news” accusations started… a journalist questioned him about it and it turned him mad!
You could ignore all of this. There need not any confirmation that Trump is a legitimate Russian agent. Simply listen to him.
It’s quite telling when someone, not only uses “liberal” disparagingly, but proceeds to project the most basic fact about Trump onto his perceived enemies. Trump’s the liar
Because you’re literally a reality-denying fascist that creates their own narratives to suit your beliefs. By your statement your only political philosophy is contrarianism.
Every time you use “liberal” like you do, you simply dig yourself deeper. You’re not a human being. Nothing in there.
So you'd prefer the Putin regime push him off a window while he's "having a cigarette" like they do with so many dissidents? What would prefer? Gulag? Novichok poisoning?
Your proof will arrive as Orc missiles that were launched and arrived undetected because the FSB malware Musk's team has been planting in every gov computer system they gain access to, finally managed to spread to satellite ground stations, NORAD and EW stations. The worst Trojan Horse in history.
Would proof help? Let's say you got a picture of him with his contract standing next to the Lubyanka and grinning like a dopey wanker... would it make any difference? it wouldn't remove him, would it?
I agree. No amount of proof would ever be enough. Universal truths has been replaced with 'my truth', facts with opinions and investigative journalism with online conspiracy theories lapped up by gullible idiots.
That’s not what Russia wants. They want to dissolve NATO, separate us from EU allies, spread disinformation and divide our country, and finally, throw out the Dollar as the dominant trade currency. They would love to cripple the economy. Trump is making all their dreams come true!
It's not a question of whether Trump's working for the Russians. That's obvious. The question is what is the kompromat they have on him. Right now that's the most valuable information in the world
Yeah we know, he’s a Russian asset. A traitor, try him for treason, however there isn’t anyone with big enough balls to actually follow through with a conviction.
Krasnov that's what I'm calling from now on. @maddow.msnbc.com @arimelber.bsky.social @meidastouch.com @muellershewrote.bsky.social @aaronparnas.bsky.social
Can you fact check this?
It’s probably credible that this ex KGB chief claimed this. But are his claims credible or is this a false claim in a new effort to further destabilize the US?
I've heard this story for years, but I can't remember exactly when I first heard it. What I know for sure is I've never liked him. He always appeared too self-serving, disingenuous & full of himself for me.
And Kamala tried to tell us about Project 2025 and that was ignored. It is time we start listening and holding women up. It is women who are going to save this democracy and women who will clean up this mess.
Why else would a president be supporting mass murderer Putin. That's not a normal thing to do. One thing about KGB is that they are not denying it. Trumps casino was built with Russian money to launder money not just for the Russian oligarchy but possibly the Saudis. 9/11 was payback I am sure.
This isn’t news or breaking. We’ve all known this. They bought out his failing businesses/casinos to keep him afloat. And now he’s owned by them. Every single voting age person has known this!!!!
Your Reps and the Senate
tell them
you know
The Pee Tapes are deciding
future now
holding her
isolated bound beat and held hostage
Putin and Elon
Learn to Goosestep to the Russian National Anthem
Fight the
🤣🤣🤣Well we know you cannot read. 🤣🤣
funny you would mention trump and raping in the same sentence. Is that what turns you on loser? Are you a kiddy diddler like trump as well?
Ok soyboy fake tough guy. We won. President, House, Senate, Supreme Court......I know it stings, maybe you can see a shrink, or buy some preparation h.
In other words we're all laughing at you counts melting down. Gonna be a long 4 years isn't it, pussy.
🤣🤣🤣 You won? Hey, how are those grocery prices going? How's inflation right now? 🤣🤣🤣
So answer the question dimwit. Is it the raping of women or the diddling of little children that turns you on? Or is it both with you?
"SLOOGA" (Russian for 'Servant')
#Trump was, #KOMPROMAT Long Ago!
2017-2021: Willfully Retained National Defense Information (#NDI).
2021: Willfully Removed That NDI!
2025: Trump Continues to Cause
"Grave Damage To National Security".
America - and the World - Know. 🇺🇸 🌍
If this is true and so many other people knew about it why the hell was he ever even allowed to attempt to run for the presidency. Surely the CIA / FBI would have been all over it and he would have been arrested for treason. If they did know and did nothing then your whole system is corrupt.
Named for Peotyr Krasnov an anti-Bolshevik Russian military leader who was "later [a] Nazi collaborator", according to Wikipedia? If so, that would be appropriate.
Doesn't it strike you as a little bit... Uncritical... To take an actual, legitimate KGB spy at his word like this?
Like yes very, very big implications if true; but this man hardly has the best interests of the US public at heart in making this statement; he's literally a retired Russian spymaster
Please, Anybody who has read David Corn’s pieces about the banking connections between Russia and Comrade Krasnov since before the 2016 election knows this. Not news, not new.
TSF has been a Russian agent since 1987 which means he has been a TRAITOR to USA since then. He will do whatever Putin tells him on how to destroy America and give it to Putin to control!!!
Tulsi is another Russian agent too! They call her “our Tulsi”!!!! But oh nooo they WANT ALL OUR SECRETS TO BE SPREAD around the world!??? Totally IRRESPONSIBLE OMG NOOOOO!!! 👹👹👿👿👹👹👿👿
You're a client State of Russia, pushing Russian disinformation from your highest office in the land, a Neo-Nazi country of Nazis. It's the same thing Putin has done to Russia, Jesus brainwashing in racial hatred that had also taken place in the former America, now a Nazi enemy nation, to Australia.
Well Glenn is a guy and he retired like 20 years ago and has some nonsense to say on every R that has been running for President so he’s not like a reliable source, he just uses his personal politics to go after people.
He is. When is everyone going to wake up? We are going down. Listen to how he talked to Maine's governor. He is trying to break Hitler's record. And he's been meeting Putin for awhile.
I noticed. When this is all over and we finally get rid of this rotten regime, we will need to update the Constitution and overhaul our legal system. No more propaganda TV stations should be allowed. We need to tighten up the loopholes that he has slithered through with such ease.
Now my question if not already in comments is, now how to remove him and the commie cronies out like Patel and such. If and I believe it to be true. How do we do this legally before we go rioting.
We don’t need to do it legally. We need to do it effectively. The sooner we stop restraining ourselves against the Deplorables and Nazis, the quicker we crush fascism in the USA.
This is an absolute disgrace to our Country!!!!
We have to let them hear us! We the people are not backing down! We are not going to be quiet!! We are going to resist! Stand for what is right! Stand for others! Stand for injustice. Stand for freedom.
Stand for OUR DEMOCRACY!!!
Legal isn't going to save us. He's breaking the laws right now. We are going to have to get ready for a war. Right now. That's the only way they got rid of Hitler.
If you believe this, there is no point in ‘proof’ as Trump has either bought or removed opposition in the USA legal system. Americans therefore have only one option to consider if you decide he needs to go. His loyal followers are already plotting to keep him in power.
If true (andit's entirely believable), can someone now in take this to the next step - take him to trial for espionage, before he and his neo-Nazi pal Elon Musk destroy America?????
When I was 21 way back then in the late 80's, I remember an article about the low morale in the Soviet Army, but their intelligence services could outmaneuver their enemies' in many ways if we were not careful. Here we are and Ukraine it's at the pivot point.
That’s rich, the KGB is known for its honesty.
I would expect Liberals to spread Russian disinformation.
It Started with Hitlery and it’s still going strong in the Democratic Party.
If they ever give a Pinocchio award liberals will win hands down.
When everything fails for Trump & Musk and the generals of the US Military forces Makes a Coup d'etat.... Where Will they escape to? Believe Guantenano Bay on Cuba is out of the question? Maybe President Putin Will welcome the two Gentlemen in Moscow in Russia? Anyway - they need an escape plan!
Gotta say I LOVE how money doesn't replace common sense! Billionaires think in terms of future wealth & not protecting Earth. We rape this planet so a madman can build his toys to colonize another planet. Meanwhile there will still be people still living on this planet! https://youtube.com/shorts/3hd0NxiNA-I?si=F-YZY6cpn6vMz_aJ
America, according to MAGA is now for RUSSIA! As an American, do you now side with RUSSIA! IF NOT, BOYCOTT SWASTIKAR AKA MAGA & Elon TESLA, STARLINK, X, AND SPACEX! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8YsM8Jb/
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!
There is no one on any social media platform dumber than the Krassenstein frauds. They even have a flaccid penis in their bio pic.
This story has no teeth yet. I know putin & trump are trash but doesn't make them assets. 0 proof.
1. Have you looked up the individual accusing? He was charged in 2007 of abducting & murdering 2 ppl.
2. That that is matters no main stream news reporting. DBeast & Yahoo have deleted their coverage.
Please. Trump isn’t smart enough to have been ‘recruited’ by KGB. I do believe he’s been groomed as an asset though. He’s just dumb enough to fall for flattery.
It was a dark & rainy day in Russia, the year 1987, as cold war brewed. On this day Soviet Intelligence Donald Trump was given the codename “Krasnov". He returned home to New York City and took out thousands of dollars in advertising, denouncing Nato. This is verifiable.
I can't understand why something has not happened, don't you have checks and balances for if, like, your elected Nazi President says Nazi things to the rest of the world and not just the foolish Nazis in the former America who would thus vote for him? Nothing like that? Your President is a King?
He said he was a king, didn't he? He's also surprised that there is no system in place to remove Bonafide Nazis from power and they can do what they like, make enemies of your friends and allies in despots, destroy what took 200 years of blood and toil to build, within a month.
On the other hand, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true. Who fucking knows anymore.
Life as a paraplegic comes with daily struggles, and I’m reaching out for support. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe to help a disabled paraplegic in need. Your generosity and kindness can truly change a life!✨🔗 https://gofund.me/0af928df
He was apparently assigned the codename of "Krasnov."
It is however important to note that none of this has been crroberated.
Anne Applebaum: Autocracies are run not by one bad guy but by sophisticated networks relying on kleptocratic financial structures, a complex of security services—military, paramilitary, police—and technological experts who provide surveillance, propaganda, and disinformation.
A gainst
G reat
A merica
Treason shall consist only in levying War against the U.S., or in ADHERING TO OUR ENEMIES, BY GIVING THEM AID AND COMFORT. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
KGB recruitment could still be true. I just mean that a former KGB officer doesn't act like that.
Anyone know where the translator is from that first-term meeting where Putin/TFG met alone except for the translators?
Trumpers actually like him more bc he is evil, corrupt, sexist, racist, rapist and out loud about it.
You need to reevaluate your life
It’s quite telling when someone, not only uses “liberal” disparagingly, but proceeds to project the most basic fact about Trump onto his perceived enemies. Trump’s the liar
If liberal policy is our alternative to Trump we’ll take Trump!!
Liberals are as bad or worse than the Russians ever were.
You think you’re always supposed to be in charge.
Trump won like it or not
He won
Every time you use “liberal” like you do, you simply dig yourself deeper. You’re not a human being. Nothing in there.
That’s why you’re trying to help musk find out how you’ve been spending our tax dollars right
Can you fact check this?
I suspect there are more articles out there.
Unfortunately not enough listened.
tell them
you know
The Pee Tapes are deciding
future now
holding her
isolated bound beat and held hostage
Putin and Elon
Learn to Goosestep to the Russian National Anthem
Fight the
funny you would mention trump and raping in the same sentence. Is that what turns you on loser? Are you a kiddy diddler like trump as well?
In other words we're all laughing at you counts melting down. Gonna be a long 4 years isn't it, pussy.
So answer the question dimwit. Is it the raping of women or the diddling of little children that turns you on? Or is it both with you?
#Trump was, #KOMPROMAT Long Ago!
2017-2021: Willfully Retained National Defense Information (#NDI).
2021: Willfully Removed That NDI!
2025: Trump Continues to Cause
"Grave Damage To National Security".
America - and the World - Know. 🇺🇸 🌍
What happened to part two of the Jack Smith report???!!!!
Like yes very, very big implications if true; but this man hardly has the best interests of the US public at heart in making this statement; he's literally a retired Russian spymaster
It's kind of obvious since US democracy died recently.
If he was working for them, I suspect he's working at least mostly for himself now.
Says the felon and swastikar apologist.
We have to let them hear us! We the people are not backing down! We are not going to be quiet!! We are going to resist! Stand for what is right! Stand for others! Stand for injustice. Stand for freedom.
Stand for OUR DEMOCRACY!!!
I would expect Liberals to spread Russian disinformation.
It Started with Hitlery and it’s still going strong in the Democratic Party.
If they ever give a Pinocchio award liberals will win hands down.
I’m sure the world revolves around your opinion
His reward will be to become the Governor of the 47th RF Oblast.
There is no one on any social media platform dumber than the Krassenstein frauds. They even have a flaccid penis in their bio pic.
Only dipshit MAGAts can’t see it 🤡
1. Have you looked up the individual accusing? He was charged in 2007 of abducting & murdering 2 ppl.
2. That that is matters no main stream news reporting. DBeast & Yahoo have deleted their coverage.