Oralé Resisters
Joe Biden Built the strongest US Economy in 4 years!
Trump destroys
US Economy in 6 weeks
#Economy #TrumpDOWDump #GotEggs
Trump is a morally bankrupt shitstain more concerned with letting Putin jizz all over his face than doing the right thing. I’d bet my life he’s a Russian agent.
They lost the opportunity to negotiate in 2022, and now they complain about getting the lost territory back. What stupidity. They say that besides being beautiful, she is also F””g stupid.
Notice that there has been no "Tough Guy" language from Trump or Vance towards Putin. All of their attack has been directed at Ukraine and Zelensky, not the Mass- murdering War Criminal KGB.
.. and to further aid Putin, Trump has stopped scheduled Aid to Ukraine and stopped cyber-surveillance of Russia. Trump is also lifting sanctions against Russia- NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR RUSSIA!
TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET!!!! If you're not convinced by now, you're complicit, dumb or both !
Russia is a terrorist state and an aggressor. It has been that way since its creation as a state. These are its factory settings If someone doesn't attack it, it can't exist. The faster it falls apart, the better for humanity.
The orange faced rapist and his boy, Vance, need to apologize to the 'HERO OF THE FREE WORLD', and insist Putin RETURN what's been stolen and pay for the damages he's caused.
Instruct Putin to honor the agreement and guarantees that he and the US made in December 5, 1994.
Nothing less!
problem jas been there from the beginning, candidates can lie to voters face or spin what they said, make misleading statements,etc to get votes, trump is just a master of it. voters should make up their minds based on the actual truth or facts not banter, just like a court of law. so yes we're F'd
Its so fucked that Trump used the words "until they demonstrate commitment to peace" for Ukraine to receive aid again. As if Russia has been demonstrating a similar commitment this whole time.
Exactly. Ukraine did nothing to warrant the violent invasion of their home. Can you imagine the police responding to a break-in at your house by saying "soooo, he will stop attacking you if you turn over the lower level of your house to him along with 5% of your income, in perpetuity"?
Hell no!
But then they wouldn't get Kickbacks off the minerals deal that they tried to make their agent boy Trump get zielinsky to sign without any guarantees of Russia doing anything to never attack again and go back to the borders. So they're going to stay until Trump lines their pockets. Lift sanctions
Ukraine shouldn't have murdered 43,000 plus Russian-speaking Ukrainians' death to Neo-Nazi Zelenskyy, and crabbing Ukrainians off the streets and throwing them on the battlefield as canon fodder dumb fucks.
Trump aka agent Krasnov has put aid to the Ukraine on hold. He has basically punished a whole nation and its people due to a petty argument in the Oval Office which apparently bruised his fragile ego. Shameful. Puppet master Putin back in Moscow must be pleased with his acolyte. Nostrovia, Komarad!
Hey 🇺🇸Americans,.....you will never vote again!! The 🇷🇺KGB now determines your country!! Who would have thought that you would lose your democracy so quickly through stupidity🤦.. Let's see when your military shoots at you?
PSYCHOPATH Trump (KGB Codename since 1987: Krasnov) has been Putin’s bootlicker for decades.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Which world? Certainly not this one. People were alleging this back in 2017. Amounted to nothing at all. The DOJ and FBI investigated this during the Trump administration and got him on bupkis.
Look, we already know there are at least 2 #RussianAssets leading the #FederalGovernment the best way to assure they have #NoPower over #Anyone is if the remaining #FederalWorkforce went on #Strike until #Congress did THEIR JOBS to #Impeach and #Convict bypassing #Corrupt #SCOTUS
Would Putin have started it if he knew the level of support and fierceness of Ukraine?
Joe Biden Built the strongest US Economy in 4 years!
Trump destroys
US Economy in 6 weeks
#Economy #TrumpDOWDump #GotEggs
TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET!!!! If you're not convinced by now, you're complicit, dumb or both !
Instruct Putin to honor the agreement and guarantees that he and the US made in December 5, 1994.
Nothing less!
Just sayin'
Peace and blessings to you
How are you doing today?
America is being run by a degenerate senile old man, a drugged out boss man and a crew of bootlickers whose only focus is self gratification.
Russia won the Cold War, simple as that.
Alt text:
A blonde girl in a tuque holds a protest sign that reads "Russia can stop the war anytime by leaving Ukranian land"
Yet why do some countries push so hard?
If a bully doesn’t understsnd soft power then he won’t stop, turn around, learn the skills, try again. He will go to the end, whatever the cost.
So is this war continuing because of ego/hubris?
Hell no!
An egomaniacle sociopathic madman will never admit defeat
He would rather launch tactical nukes and destroy the whole country.
Stay strong!!
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
The world sees what terrifies you too much to acknowledge.