Excuse me, but... the greatest trade deal ever was signed by the same guy who said, "What kind of moron would sign such a bad deal when he's the moron who signed such a bad deal in the first place?
I'm just trying to simplify this equation...
It's simple. 77 million did not say that. The voting machines said they did. We trusted ignorant county officials to oversee an election to control a $29 trillion economy, and Elon's muskrats hacked it for pennies on the dollar.
Every single person I know, at work and in my personal life (other than my wife and kids), has voted for and still supports Trump. I work for a multinational in a technical field. Many of my co-workers are former military. They all would be American Freikorps if Trump told them to.
The whole point of what trump is doing is to alienate us from our allies and his next move is to join forces with Putin and Orban. They only have to worry about China.
It’s a democracy sandwich!
With hot sauce & mayonnaise.
Lol 💙🦋🫶🏻
Whatever happens next will never change for me, the beauty that is the people of Canada & Mexico. Their rich cultures & histories. Even if we completely lose ours.
I hope they understand somehow.
The Red states in the country elected the Convicted Rapist/Felon. Many don't have reading skills above 5-6th grade. They have for 40+ yrs voted against their own interests because of their stupidity. They have no common sense or critical thinking skills. This country has been declining for years.
Most had common sense, and higher values. People were mislead by the media, but 20 million Democrats didn't vote? Hard to accept. Voter suppression, Russian interference campaign, gerrymandering, and ?, gave Trump 2.5 million votes, 1.5% win, less than 6k votes average per district, not questioned.
Still don’t understand why she thought doing whatever he said would work though?! He has a Russian agenda and all this bs tariff crap is just to take what isn’t Trump’s to take. Same thing Putin is doing in Europe this is THEIR PLAN. #RussianAsset
In Mexico's case, it's likely the fentanyl and illicit drug issue. In Canada's case, it's different. He wants his grubby little hands on our resources and our land.
trump doesn't need justification. It is all about him trying to bully people and other nations. He thinks it makes him look powerful and strong. He is neither. trump is turning America into a laughingstock on the World stage. There is not one ally who trust America under this regime except Putin
Trump supporters during the Biden Administration were all..."NO NEW WARS!"
Now, they got themselves and us into the largest trade war in history and Trump is threatening our allies with WW3 all while a cold civil war brews here at home.
I hate to say it, but I'm LOVING it. My heart breaks for the farmers, but Bill Gates & his friends will be happy! More farmland for them to buy up when the farmers go bankrupt. CONTROL THE FOOD, CONTROL THE PEOPLE!
We have to give the MAGAs something to justify the Uber large tax cuts for the richest people in America. Even though we are all going to pay more for most things
I hope Canada can have a female PM this time. It's seems they have bigger balls than red state congressmen. And they have a female brain ( a good thing) to go with it,
What ever happened to NAFTA?
BTW, signed by Donald J Trump?
Congratulations Mr. Trump, America can no longer be trusted, except in Russia. I was going to include China, but given the trade war that Trump triggered, I don’t think that DJT is liked in Beijing.
CANADIANS. Do not believe that this will last for 4 years. Trump has no intentions of leaving when his term is up. He cares for nothing and no one but himself. He is knowingly hurting his own country. He wants Canada. Do not doubt it. We must all do our share. This is. It a drill.
I hope it includes a tariff on guns. The US knowingly exports weapons to other countries with no controls whatsoever. It resulted in the deaths of 1000s of citizens world wide.
Señora Presidenta y nuestros vecinos Mexicanos, muchos estadounidenses los aman y los apoyan. Esto nos va a doler, pero entendemos que tienen que hacer lo que es mejor para su país.
At this point, I welcome the retaliatory tariffs from Mexico, Canada, China, & other countries. Yeah, it's going to hurt everyone, but maybe the hurt will wake up the MAGAts when they've lost their jobs, Social Security, Medicare, & cannot afford to buy groceries.
Me too. Magats are too full of themselves. They're poisoning everything around them. There are channels that teach women how to protect themselves from your body my choice magat men.
Well in a way he did. When Mexico stops sending their imports across the dreaded border, the prices in Mexico will drop... so.. in an asshole backhanded way, felon has made Mexico and Canada greater...
This is assuming teaching will occur in schools for generations to come. If trumpeter has his way, educational institutions will be dismantled. No oligarch wants an educated working class.
Oralè Resisters
Pete Buttigieg on
Stephen Colbert
Late Show tonight!
Following the SOTU
Address tonight!
#PeteButtigieg #LateShow #StephenColbert #USDemocracy
Trump and Elon don't care. They can afford to pay whatever price increase the tariffs are going to cost Americans. They don't care about the rest of us.
Trudeau: Fentanyl is used as a legal excuse for the Tariffs.
So what's Trump's true motive for "whacking friends"? Same motive for his entire life, he has deals to personally enrich himself from these tariffs, while the 99% of Americans pay up.
No reason except Trump wants to destroy western civilization for Putin. Apparently. I wonder what kompromat he has on him. Or maybe he offered him a single ruble.
Maybe someone told Mr. Art of the Deal, he didn’t get any actual concessions last time round. Or maybe he’s just trying to take our economy because that’s what Putin‘s puppet does.
Since appeasement failed she should pull the patrols out of the border area and save money by just monitoring the American border for people trying to cross south.
There is reason. To isolate the USA so it is self sufficient so when it invades you no other country can control it or punish it with sanctions on goods. If it imports nothing then you have no power to stop it.
That sounds like something Putin would talk the bonehead into believing. We couldn't even invade a county still living in the 9th century on our own. And even then we didn't win.
It was typically the uneducated who voted for the fat fuck. These idiots are usually low income so it’s quite plausible that these clowns are probably going to suffer the most. Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think.
The US is a failed state. It’s time for all sane nations to drop the US dollar for international trading and liquidate all US dollar reserves. A robust retaliatory measure to combat the destabilizing trump regime. Get in early! The US dollar will depreciate exponentially once the divestment starts.😎
It doesn't matter how many thousands of troops Mexico sends to the border, ITS NOT ABOUT THE BORDER! It has always been about Trump's need to make OTHERS SMALLER THAN HIM!
Yep. It isn’t about the borders… he needs something to say to quell his supporters while the US plummets in every which direction ever thought out by mankind
He is projecting every weakness he carries around within himself.
Plus if something illegal is coming through the US border what exactly is the job of US Customs and Border Control, other than to prevent anything illegal coming through their border?
Correct. It doesn’t matter what Mexico does or fails to do or who is president or how many drugs cross the border. That is just an excuse. The point of this admin is to stomp on everyone to seem strong and tough.
drug prices are going to go up. US companies have factories in Mexico and bring products back and forth during the manufacturing, quality, packaging processes particularly in the Juarez area
Trump negotiated the trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. He said last week that the agreement must have been signed by a very stupid person. We agree
President Sheinbaum should close the border to traffic in both directions as long as the criminal Trump occupies the White House. There is an added incentive given the measles outbreak
Why is she waiting until Sunday and whatever it is it should be twice as much as what we are plagued on them and she should place it at 75% with targeted states
He -Trump feels if he puts tariffs on the goods you bring into our country, the less likely people will buy it. Thus hoping we’ll purchase the American Oligarch’s USA goods at a higher price than yours!
Since FELON47 is the king of bankruptcy, he will cause our country to become bankrupt. He can’t file chapters 7, 11, 12 nor 13. A special bankruptcy will have 2 be devised. I’m so sick and tired of ALL OF THESE MFers!
Can one Republican actually verbilize why they support tRump's actions as he destablizies the world and welcomes Putin in as their new best friend? I would think gays like Lindsey Graham would be as nervous as a cat in a room of rocking chars with the anit-gay stance of closet cases like Putin.
Yes there is a reason and it is a very bad one. It is to sow the seeds of discord between former allies in order to "justify" a future invasion while the propagandists blame the victim as the original aggressor. It is straight out of Putin's handbook.
Other than this administration is insane and enjoys hurting others. It makes them feel the illusion of power. We are working on throwing them out as a soon as possjble
Wait. Looking for justification for anything this administration does? This has nothing to do with that. It is all about revenge and working for Putin. By isolating the United States it makes all of the NATO countries weaker. And the tangerine turd is falling for it because he is getting praise.
Yeahhhhh not like sending hundreds of thousands of illegals into the US and absolutely gaslighted the amount of control there own government has over the cartels isn't a just means....
One of the very few silver linings of our current times is seeing examples of inspiring leadership (outside of our country, obviously). Zelenskyy is an obvious example, but I have also appreciated Claudia Sheinbaum's ability to show spine and even a willingness to troll some of the ridiculousness.
The only reason for the tariffs is Trump thinks they make him look tough and knows his base will believe he’s putting America first by hurting countries they see as “less than”
In short, he’s an egotistical moron and his base if fucking stupid 🤍
Actually, in Canada's case, the tariffs are more than encouraging domestic production and relocation of foreign producers back into the US. They're a disguised form of aggression. "The 51st state" isn't a cordial invitation, it isn't a joke--it's a threat and it brings NOTHING to Canada in exchange.
I look forward to hearing her plan. The inevitable is apparently here. I feel badly for Americans that did not elect the doofus-in-chief (I am included in this category) but the only way forward is through this disaster. It’s going to be a lot.
And the dumb Maga south will celebrate ! Yeah ! And then they maybe... when the Mexican imports stop coming, will they see or learn Mexico provides you more of what you need to survive then america...
600+Million People in the EU27 Canada and Mexico have decided Voluntarily to Avoid/Boycott American Made. Regardless of what the Parliaments in Brussels Ottawa or Mexico City decide to do regarding trumpies Tariffs..
2023 United States Census Bureau. $2.5 Trillion earned from international tourism.
The FACTS. Trump is LYING to US !! https://economics.td.com/ca-canada-us...
The Fentanyl that crossed into the USA from Canada was .02%.
Illegals crossing into the USA from Canada was 237. Illegals crossing from the USA to Canada was 2471.
Trump is LYING, as Canada is being a great Neighbour & Friend.
I do not understand this recent trend of using AI to pretend-paint political messages on the back of a car, or a sign on the back of a car. What's up with that?
I'm just trying to simplify this equation...
How scary is that. These people are our neighbors, our doctors, our teachers, our police etc.
They're easily manipulated.
He has them believing their all victims....everyone treats them unfairly.
He lies.
There’s just no good reason….
With hot sauce & mayonnaise.
Lol 💙🦋🫶🏻
Whatever happens next will never change for me, the beauty that is the people of Canada & Mexico. Their rich cultures & histories. Even if we completely lose ours.
I hope they understand somehow.
Proving once again that Trump can not be trusted and is destroying the US's reputation as a result.
It’s either bullying or somehow Donald can get his hands on the tariff moneys.
But that isn't going to hold water as an excuse.
Now, they got themselves and us into the largest trade war in history and Trump is threatening our allies with WW3 all while a cold civil war brews here at home.
Let's kick Trumps butt!
We March 4th today from D.C. to Olympia, WA, to Miami, San Diego, NYC, & scores of other protest sites.
Stay calm. Keep fighting.
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
BTW, signed by Donald J Trump?
Congratulations Mr. Trump, America can no longer be trusted, except in Russia. I was going to include China, but given the trade war that Trump triggered, I don’t think that DJT is liked in Beijing.
Btw what’s a dozen cost down there now?
In Hell.
Us there a way get them shipped?
CALI has them for 12$ how the hell are ya all only at 6
Pete Buttigieg on
Stephen Colbert
Late Show tonight!
Following the SOTU
Address tonight!
#PeteButtigieg #LateShow #StephenColbert #USDemocracy
Get rid of him, a
Musk and the GOP already.
So what's Trump's true motive for "whacking friends"? Same motive for his entire life, he has deals to personally enrich himself from these tariffs, while the 99% of Americans pay up.
All for nothing but his lust for power and money
🇨🇦 CANADA 🇨🇦
He is projecting every weakness he carries around within himself.
Before you can stop something,
You have to understand why they're doing it.
My retirement portfolio is dropping faster than 100 Teslas pushed off a cliff in hell.
Sadly we all know how this ends...
Proportional 😎
He regularly shits himself for no reason at all…
Estimates are that trumps tarrifs will cost the average household $200/month. (Est predicted by a non-partisan think tank)
Add the retaliatory tariffs, and I’m guessing that dollar amount may double.
Reason has nothing to do with it.
and millions and millions will pay now with you
In short, he’s an egotistical moron and his base if fucking stupid 🤍
I didn’t mean to say there wasn’t real consequences for what he’s doing!
He’s a moron, but he’s a dangerous one.
Can you imagine?
2023 United States Census Bureau. $2.5 Trillion earned from international tourism.
The Fentanyl that crossed into the USA from Canada was .02%.
Illegals crossing into the USA from Canada was 237. Illegals crossing from the USA to Canada was 2471.
Trump is LYING, as Canada is being a great Neighbour & Friend.
We’ve all see him speak daily (🤢) he still makes absolutely zero sense
His ghost writer can be very calculated at times. Lol