I have doubt about this. I hope everyone in the Congress is hurt by it along with all of the MAGAs! I think everyone will be hurt by it but I’ve been poorer than I am now earlier in my lifetime. That’s what gardens are for! We are going to make ours a bit bigger for things we don’t usually grow.
Tesla was the first step. The world hated how he treated our friends in the US. Sales in Norway in February is down 50% compared to the year before. It will only get worse for Musk. And other American companies will feel the pain soon enough. There is a huge movement trying to make it as easy as
possible to swap out most American services and products we have made ourselves reliant on. This will for sure have hefty consequences for the bottom line. It won’t be a full stop tho. There are things we can’t easily replace over night. And some depend on tools and services with no replacement.
Musk wrecked Tesla 🚗📉, now Trump is about to crash the entire US economy 💥💰! These fraudulent egomaniacs destroy everything they touch! 🤡 Brace for impact—America can’t afford another con artist in power! 🚨
It’s like this, when you go to your favourite stores that you go to all the time and one day, you go in and they’ve hired a new manager and she’s awful to the staff and is awfully rude and vile to you as their regular customer. That customer will never return and buy their fave items elsewhere.
Looks purposeful. Looks like a huge grift taking shape. Wreck the economy, weaken the dollar, facilitate yet another mass transfer of wealth set up in 2007-2009, always benefitting the REAL Oligarchy we never hear about. Someone many levels above Trump is pulling the strings. He's just the mouth.
Markets are a bit like the climate. We will have to wait and see whether this recent storm affects the longer gains or losses... Recently we sure have seen a dip, only time will tell. For the past 6 months to date the markets and Tesla are price are all up. June a good indication?
Yup. Have you looked at Index Futures this evening? Bleak. ADP employment data today was bleak. Tomorrow’s jobless claims data at 0830 will determine whether the indexes can stay above the EMA200. I’m guessing not. Bitcoin follows Nasdaq during the day, so if Nasdaq crashes,, Bitcoin will, too.
Yes, but it won’t be his fault. It will be Biden’s fault, or Kamala’s fault somehow or all the others on his Enemy List! Where the hell did you find this ugly creature?
Well supposedly Tesla was about saving humanity from climate change then he went and supported not just climate change deniers but those who would make it worse...
This will at least happen to US-weapon company’s. No one will trust them any more. And a lot of people are looking for other possibilities to leave US-Computer products, especially if they could be cut down remotely.
The only problem slowing Trump's destruction are many billionaires don't want their companies and fortunes destroyed. Most are paper billionaires leveraged on debt.
Unless they’re waiting to gobble up more companies for pennies, along with taking previous government facilities and making them private so they can get more money.
Usually capitalists want to get rich quick, though. Perhaps this is the fastest Wall St can dive? 🤷🏻♀️
When that happens, we have to properly communicate with the Republican members of Congress that failure to impeach and remove him will be very detrimental to their health...
This is not a threat, just like how Trump saying one of the 2nd amendment people can deal with Hillary wasn't a threat. 🤫
BBC News reported the concerns that Tesla has about the CEO drug use. Turns out K might be used for more than a date drug with bad consequences. Science is going to have a hand in the revolution. The happy couple did find love in a hopeless place doing what they do best.
That makes sense. As a Canadian I am advocating that any American investment that moves south should be met with a ban. So if American car manufacturers move south we ban their products in the Canadian market. Not something I like saying but needs to be said.
Here the twist no one saw coming - the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) investment fund is going to swoop in at Wall Street’s low point and basically buy the US for Pennies on the dollar. Then theyre going to strip and sell off Florida and Texas to Mexico to reinvest into public education & healthcare.
👍 Yessss
And RuZZia is bankrupt and only 120 Mio Russkis left. Their criminal Oligarchs and even Putin as the very richest man of the world either can't compensate this loss
I’ve found using DuckDuckGo as my search engine instead of Google also finds more variety in products I’m searching for. Was pretty sure I wouldn’t find fidget toys online easily but found http://Fidgettoysplus.com I’ve been 3 months clean from
Amazon and not missing it so far!
One month amazon clean here too! Feels good to be not spending on mindless this'll make me feel good now things. And to be putting the thumb on those who bend the knee.
Unless big tech US companies like Microsoft move to Canada 🇨🇦 or the EU 🇪🇺 they will not be able to continue doing business in the EU very soon because Trump is gutting the pillars of the Biden EU-US Data privacy framework.
That’s probably a considerable chunk of their total revenue. Way to go! 🇺🇸
I don't know how any of us can prepare for what will follow. Trump is ready to cash in America to skirt accountability. He doesn't give a fuck about any of us. To do that, he must remain in power indefinitely. That is why we have The Shit Show.
Who is going to buy our debt? We will be forced to pay terrible high interest rates. That means WE will then pay high interest that means recession …. Only this time its self imposed and could lead to stagflation (rising interest & unemployment)
I Really miss last year's progress. Biden's administration should've prevented all this corruption from happening! Stolen election from a billionaire & a felon 🍊💩🤡🧷!
Banking regulations eliminated will be a major cause. Trump has talked about removing the FDIC as well which will cause a large scale withdraw. Jerome Powell goes and is replaced with a Fox News Jackass it will be over! I hope I am wrong!
Once we get those bastards out of power we won't have any trouble bringing it back up. We need to put things back like it was before they came in and screwed everything up.
I'll bring a pitchfork to DC, hbu?
As it states in Project 2025. Their objective is to bring down the US economy. They are feeding America to Putin. Trump is a Russian puppet POTUS. Elon is Putins best friend. Nothing they have done has benefitted Americans. Who does it benefit? Russia.
I’ve not bought anything off Amazon for a good while now. I’ve cancelled my subscriptions. My credit card bill is down nicely though! It really is a #Trumpcession.
The whole world is boycotting us so, yeah, it's going to suck. I didn't vote for the orange menace and the FO is going to be horrible, but I hope this is a huge turning point for our country and the GOP is permanently destroyed.
It's a plan pushed thru made long ago.
Weaponization of Europe, and getting the money out of the hands of the people. Which makes them dependent on bailouts, and more passive to government.
Don't people see that the rest of the world is doing the same now! they to implement TARIFFS. NWO plan!
The economists stated it would take 6 months and it’s happening in less than 2 months. It would b refreshing if the mega rich told him not to give them a bigger tax break hurting the 99%. Remember u can’t take it with you!WWJD….not one thing DJT or Elon r doing.
This Canadian unloaded his Tesla stocks. Oh, and I won't be buying a single fucking thing from the US. I've informed relatives and friends that I can't cross the border in good conscience. The trip would make me a hypocrite.
I wish that were universally true but we'd all have to forego any spending at all if it were. For instance, I am currently typing this on a smartphone that some African kids are being murdered because of.
On the upside, as a US citizen, I'll be looking to spend more of my money on Canadian and Mexican imports and my Robinhood stocks are all foreign as of 02/28.
Any suggestions?
Can be? He already is. Tesla is the foundation of his house of cards empire. It's the collateral for the loans he took out to buy Twitter. I can't wait to watch his demise. 🤣
I don’t like it but it’s hard to disagree. A friend had 6 figures to invest recently and I told him to hang onto the cash for now. He invested anyway and I have my fingers crossed for him.
The Orange Cancer is trying to destabilize the dollar, via a depression, so that the Treasury will be transfered to crypto. Then, ANYONE, Putin, Musk, Krasnov, ANYONE with a password can withdraw funds. These people are criminals. Follow the money.
Revolution is now!
Remember, revolutions are planned, organized, staffed, supplied, and are strategic. Riots are spontaneous and almost always prompt backlash and loss of support. Also, collective action often produces results in excess of the simple sum of the actors.
if he is "Krasnov" everything he is doing , picking the worst possible cabinet picks, (even worse than last time) I think he is laying the groundwork for the fall of America. Does anyone think he really has love for this country, ?. The entire international community has now blacklisted us
We hate magats only and government, not Americans. Saying so, it's going to be hard to tryst you again, the only think I can think to gain tryst is change constitution and take most president privileges and make him straight representative role.
Everything he says is a lie to hide something. I would say it's safe to say that because he made such a huge spectacle of hugging the flag and pole so awkwardly and says how much he loves America it means he'd rather spit on it in reality.
Salling Group in Denmark who owns three large supermarket chains have been out saying they'll do as Canada and mark products from USA so we can all clearly see them and avoid them. I'm all for this.
Trump will say ‘we Are Great Again.’ USA citizens will be left to stop this madness. Watching horror movies is fine, living a Trump horror movie where white people pretend he’s not a traitor working for Putin is a tragedy.
I literally couldn’t care less about the US economy. Part of me says they deserve all they get 🤷♂️. It is the impact on the rest of the world that bothers me immensely!
Significant drop in volume to Canada. Been hearing Europe will be boycotting as well due to Zelenskyy being disrespected. Haven’t seen drop there yet like we have Canada since that just happened, but I’ll be watching for it now.
We certainly are not going to miss American booze in Canada. Taking off the shelves is great for the Canadian wineries, craft breweries and distilleries. I for one can happily live off Canadian booze
Americans need to stop buying so much crap. Single use crap, fast fashion crap, cheap Chinese made crap, plastic crap. Use this occasion to reevaluate your buying habits and whether you really NEED that thing. Just things. The economy is about to crash, help it really crash and save your money.
Well if you want them it's your life, your choice. I'm choosing to never buy wants from Oligarchs. Even if I have to buy similar at a higher price locally
Personally, I don’t want to see the American economy on the floor or in recession.
However, every venture and company that Elon Musk has his dirty paws on, I would very much like to see the company fall so fast into despair, the fcuker disappears off the map.
That’s so true. It’s going to be a tough four years. And since we don’t have but three Democrats with the ovaries to stand the up they will just roll over the American people until we say say enough.
Unfortunately I think you are right. Our economy will be damaged by tariffs, massive layoff of Federal workers not spending $$ and SS cuts & delayed checks.
The question is who will he blame?
It’s not only the federal workers, it’s all the contracts/vendors they’ve cut, and the impact their cuts will have on states & all the businesses who rely on employed consumers to spend money at those businesses.
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Won’t take that long. He’s playing with his tariffs, like they’re on, they’re off, neither he nor foolish maga understands the rest of the world is already out. No intelligence for Putin’s puppet, trade deals without us, individuals who used to clamor for US jeans now not buying any US products.
It's true, but that's his PLAN. That way, he and his oligarchy bros can buy up all the land that goes up for sale and all the businesses that have to undergo bankruptcy. The rich get richer... It was part of the "promise." Tax cuts and a huge recession. W2Go, MAGA.
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.
Afraid so, in the UK never known such contempt for America, the boycott of American products is slowly increasing - and even when he’s gone the US will struggle to recover- how can you ever trust a country that voted Trump president TWICE.
Trump is reflexive. He watches the stock ticker all the time. Eventually he's going to panic and announce the drugs are all gone and the immigrants are too. No tariff! Either that or his handlers will convince him it's fake news and keep going. Either or.
*That* won't be remarkable. What will be remarkable will be the gaslit belief amongst the maga faithful, that this is either a good thing (because everyone else around the world is even worse off), or that this is the fault of all those Democrat administrations that went before.
Trump can care less it’s all for billionaires higher prices more more for them can you all see it coming it’s game and Republicans fell for it Care is your package. I hope they’re proud of it now they’re crying.
The plan, the people will become desperate and the rich will exploit them. What Trump/Musk want, is every man for himself. They don’t want to spend a penny on human rights. American’s will face 80-90% extreme rich and the rest will be in shanty towns and prisons, which will be owed by the richest.
Follow me so many see this! 🔥
Something like that.
You have the same Faith in the Trash Team as I.
It’s deliberate
Naomi Klein wanted us already
Someone should hand them MAGAts a bit of literature about the economy of the COMECON nations. Ruin explained.
The middle classes lose everything
The rich buy up their assets on the cheap
Like Russia once the wall came down
After that they use totalitarian tactics to stay in power for good
Not great - unless you’re a billionaire?
Because of trump, and vance, and elon
91.25 USD
+2.22 (2.49%)today
Nio Inc - ADR
4.35 USD
+0.13 (3.08%)today
Xpeng Inc - ADR
21.66 USD
+1.44 (7.12%)today
Oh wait. Elmo isn't the DOGE leader. Yeah, right. NOT.
Usually capitalists want to get rich quick, though. Perhaps this is the fastest Wall St can dive? 🤷🏻♀️
Wake up America
This is not a threat, just like how Trump saying one of the 2nd amendment people can deal with Hillary wasn't a threat. 🤫
PayPal would have been a disaster if the board had not booted Phony Stark.
In America, being a billionaire is an acceptable substitute for being competent.
Apparently running a country like criminal organization doesn’t end up very well.
Who knew?!! 🙄🤪
And RuZZia is bankrupt and only 120 Mio Russkis left. Their criminal Oligarchs and even Putin as the very richest man of the world either can't compensate this loss
Cheers from Sweden.
Amazon and not missing it so far!
That’s probably a considerable chunk of their total revenue. Way to go! 🇺🇸
How is this going to make America great!? 😔
Just as bad as a depression, but you also get Trump with it.
I'll bring a pitchfork to DC, hbu?
Weaponization of Europe, and getting the money out of the hands of the people. Which makes them dependent on bailouts, and more passive to government.
Don't people see that the rest of the world is doing the same now! they to implement TARIFFS. NWO plan!
The world watches to see what US citizens will do with Trump
Any suggestions?
It’s probably Trump, musk, bezos, Zuckerberg and Putin
Revolution is now!
Remember, revolutions are planned, organized, staffed, supplied, and are strategic. Riots are spontaneous and almost always prompt backlash and loss of support. Also, collective action often produces results in excess of the simple sum of the actors.
When you've an Irishman defending the war record of Brits something has spectacularly gone wrong! 🤣😅
Time for us to do our part get off the fence, lest we be all jaw!
I've had many conversations with Irish people about that and they always say nope never gunna happen!
I think you probably got too many 'English friends'
PS: I still can't find cheap punk shoes or jeans in the cut I need in my size except from Amazon or Temu😥
However, every venture and company that Elon Musk has his dirty paws on, I would very much like to see the company fall so fast into despair, the fcuker disappears off the map.
Completely off the map
The question is who will he blame?
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.