Sure let’s do the math… the 25 richest men paid 13.6 billion in taxes last year…. Which should be about 35% of their actual income (not capitol gains and accumulated assets) but we’ll say 25% for the sake of argument. So presuming all things equal for this equation that means they each paid
544,000,000 in taxes multiply that by 8 = 4,352,000,000. So that would be their taxes at 25 %x let’s multiply that by 3 to get 75% = 13,056,000,000. But we pay out in welfare
1,190,000,000,000… so yeah it wouldn’t pay this
It is to those eight greedy Nazis. Every penny spent to improve our lives is a penny less for them to flaunt!
Increase their taxes to 91% they can afford it!
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH THIS SATURDAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
No one is blaming single moms when it comes to food stamps. If you want to spark debate or just make a thought-provoking statement, at least engage with the actual arguments being made.
Me in a crohns flair with more possible cancer on my thyroid deciding to get my sons meds, get my sonogram and biopsy or to pay electricity isn’t the problem either. No one is helping me anyway.
More of their OWN money. Takes a special kinda stupid to believe giving away the money YOU earned to someone else is somehow gonna give you more money. Kinda like believing tax cuts pay for themselves & bring more money back to the treasury🤯
It is baffling how many stupid people there are. That is the problem... stupidity. The vast majority of people choose to be blind and willfully ignorant so stupidity is not a valid excuse.
It is class war dressed up in culture war drag & it has been going on since the 1980s (this time around.)
Citizens United v FEC as well as Krasnov The Orange Slug v United States are unconstitutional SCOTUS ruling that violate their oaths. They must both be revoked.
WHEN THE POOR HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO EAT THEY WILL EAT THE RICH ! The Food and Drug Administration recommends that you should cook the rich at a minimum temperature of 165° Fahrenheit and until tender to avoid and kill all bacterial contamination !
It'll take the nation collapsing for most Americans to realise that uncontrolled capitalism isn't a great idea.
The greed of a few will always result in the majority suffering.
Oralè Resisters
Battle of the Global Billionaires:
Carlos Slim plus 25 Countries
Elon Musk minus 25 countries
And negative $22 Billion
#CarlosSims #Televisa #Mexico #Billionaires #Starlink #USDemocracy
I'd bet thousands of dollars I don't have that 7/8 of those rich people haven't paid the same amount of money(in percentage of income earned) as regular people. All the tricks to setup corporations to dodge as many taxes as humanly possible. US tax code is rigged, and it needs to be rewritten.
Hey billionaires- end ALL poverty by paying your fair share in taxes! You had no problem with government grants as long as they went to you. We see you.
Thank you, somebody needed to say it, and we need to keep saying it. Reagan started the welfare Queen myth and it's been going strong ever since. It's ridiculous, the problem is the greedy billionaires.
Should've just sat back and stayed quiet... the free money would've kept rolling in. Greed drove them to screw with the system that made them rich & now they're very much on everyone's radar. What good is all that money if you fear going out amongst the public because so many people hate you?
Haven’t quite figured it out yet but I think it’s more like a combination of “people with money must be smart because they have money” and “I could have this much money one day too if all the (fill in the blank- immigrants, minorities, women) didn’t get what’s rightfully mine”
Fellow Americans! Remember, Trump is NOTHING without his spineless, traitorous, cowardly, corrupt, and self-serving Republican enablers—Senators, Congress members, and Supreme Court justices.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.
They're straight up telling us to live with chickens during a bird flu pandemic, and they cut off ebola prevention in Africa (and lied about reinstating it).
Once they reach that kind of wealth, it's a game for them. Acquiring money becomes the only goal. Musk admitted the amorality of it all when he told the interviewer that "empathy was the biggest problem in the US".
Tax them. Then tax them again.
Perhaps the single mom that has multiple kids not married may be part of the problem. I see no issues with having safety nets for people when they have hard times. However, this is not meant to be a lifetime free pass. Get your stuff together and get a job.
My daughter is a single mom (widowed) with serious/chronic health conditions. She would rather work than live in poverty and on food stamps. She has her stuff together. You are a mean, spiteful, angry person who apparently has no empathy for people who face unexpected life challenges.
A single mom who needs them isn’t a problem. But that’s not always the case. Plenty of single moms who have them that don’t need them If they can afford to go out all the time Get their nails done. Hair done live a lifestyle they say they can’t afford They don’t need food stamps. Manage money better
Perhaps people need to start connecting the dots a bit better ?
Where did Elon Musks fortune came from that enabled him to buy twitter/x and spread all his Putin worship and propaganda that has poisoned the Maga brains ? Perhaps don't finance the people that want to destroy your democracy..
Elon has so much he could give away $1million every single day and, with no new income, wouldn't run out until a bit over a thousand years (at his $450 billion level)
Is time to brake up the billionaires, time for strong antitrust laws, time to take money out of politicks, time for strong ethics reform laws for the Supreme Court
Well now, what are we to do about that???? Get the hell off of anything they own ( what the fuck are you waiting for!) do not buy their products or what they invest in fuck them!
Does the eight men include that dude in South America that owns that telecom business. Look at what he has done for the S.Americans, nothing. He canceled a 23billion $ contract with Musk. Why is the single mom, single?
How to survive a dictatorship
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
Note on travel.state.GOV website: "You are aware that we will cancel the passport you are renewing after you submit your application. You cannot use it for international travel."
If the staffing is reduced, no telling how long it would take to receive a replacement passport.
And... I HATE to say it... get some guns while they are cheap and easy to get. Interestingly, I wonder how a dictator will feel about that particular amendment..... can't be good to have a weaponized populace.
While some suggestions, like staying informed and helping others, are universally important, it's also crucial to think about long-term strategies for resistance and support networks. In difficult times, solidarity and awareness can make all the difference in navigating such challenges
These tips reflect the harsh reality many people face in oppressive environments, where survival often involves preparing for the worst while maintaining your health, security, and personal autonomy.
Raise the capital gains tax rate to match the standard tax rate and 80% of our biggest issues are solved, although you make a good point that people have to actually pay their taxes
Give the rich a tax-break and it goes into their accounts. They hoard it. It’s no use to anyone.
Give a poor person a tax break and they use it to fix something that’s broken, or go out for a meal, or pay off debt.
The money re-circulates into society immediately.
And they and Trump are getting richer every time Trump crashes the market and then reverses the decision, making it pop back up again. Buy low, sell high. You can be sure that Trump is deliberately manipulating the stock market for his personal advantage.
Actually there’s a Canadian journalist who has said just about this. That we need to treat Canada as a woman escaping an abusive man, who’s been cut off from friends and family and in debt to this man, not a lot of money of her own .. but brave and powerful and determined
Getting rid of Trump alone would save 7 trillion ( what he personally added to the national debt)
Getting rid of Musk & “ big balls” would save trillions more in corruption
1,190,000,000,000… so yeah it wouldn’t pay this
Increase their taxes to 91% they can afford it!
😡Jeff Bezos
😡Bill Gates
😡Mark Zuckerberg
😇Warren Buffett
👹Elon Musk
😇Steve Ballmer
👺Larry Ellison
😡Larry Page
😡Sergey Brin
😡Jim Walton
😡Rob Walton
😳Jensen Huang
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
Markets in chaos.
Will there be a third??
Episode webpage:
Media file:
Citizens United v FEC as well as Krasnov The Orange Slug v United States are unconstitutional SCOTUS ruling that violate their oaths. They must both be revoked.
Stand & fight.
The greed of a few will always result in the majority suffering.
Battle of the Global Billionaires:
Carlos Slim plus 25 Countries
Elon Musk minus 25 countries
And negative $22 Billion
#CarlosSims #Televisa #Mexico #Billionaires #Starlink #USDemocracy
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Billionaires supposedly deserve their outsized and egregious wealth because they deserve it due to “hard work” “intelligence” “drive” “vision”.
To refute this is to face the horror that life is unfair. That is more than so many people can admit.
But the key is. Life is unfair …. When good people fail to act, fail to vote, fail to speak up.
They want us to bleed
We must take them down
#resist evil greed
But how many of them is actually a force of good?
A billion dollars. That is an enormous amount of money for an individual. The opportunities to do good are enormous (and still remain filthy rich).
Does society
There is also the question of what practices allowed them to become billionaires in the first place.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
The insatiable wealthy are the problem.
The French people remedied a similar situation back in 1789.
Join a Team to Help Dems Win
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.
Eugenicists are in control.
Tax them. Then tax them again.
A bank book and a rule book.
The thicker one of them becomes the thinner the other one will be.
The rapist and the nazi's rule books are blank, whereas I use mine as a stool to reach those hard to get to shelves in the top cupboard.
Just sayin'
Where did Elon Musks fortune came from that enabled him to buy twitter/x and spread all his Putin worship and propaganda that has poisoned the Maga brains ? Perhaps don't finance the people that want to destroy your democracy..
And Trump supporters are cheering it on while calling it "winning"
Now we know why they built lavish doomsday bunkers.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
If the staffing is reduced, no telling how long it would take to receive a replacement passport.
8 men have more money than
4 BILLION people combined.
A single mom using food stamps isn't the problem.
There’s no real need to raise taxes; the poverty gap could be closed simply by collecting what is already owing
I’ve heard suggestions that that amount is actually over a trillion dollars; I chose a more conservative figure.
Give a poor person a tax break and they use it to fix something that’s broken, or go out for a meal, or pay off debt.
The money re-circulates into society immediately.
#ClassWarfare is disgusting.
Finally y’all waking the fuck yo which is why the republican parties hates the word WOKE
After all, if tax dollars helped people they might vote differently and elect people who might continue the practice!!
A really good episode of 5 Minute News sums up some of this.
Getting rid of Musk & “ big balls” would save trillions more in corruption