It’s what the people been waiting on someone like Jasmine Crockett & Al Green to make a stand against tRump & musk. But there should had been more Democrats taking that same approach against those two criminals. Think of the billions of taxpayers money spent on their own benefits… 💯 FACTS…
I'm ready to primary most "Democrats" right now. If the squad and Crockett resigned and started a Reformed Democratic Party, I would happily join it. Am starting to think that the best message we can send to get corrupt cowards to act is to resign as members of their corrupt cowards "party."
Friendly reminder, there are local elections every year. They tend to be less expensive to get into, have fewer candidates (many unopposed republicans) and will teach you valuable lessons about how to work a bigger campaign come midterms
Amen!!! Like her toying with dimwit bean brain Comer, lol. It’s a thing of beauty.
However, there are quite a bit of butter knife dems who really should never try to be who they aren’t (ahem, Schumer’s recent rah rah sis boom bah moment) and leave it to our nimble-minded ninja sword fighters.
Jasmine Crockett needs to tell us, The People, that Trump is not even legally president, he's only occupying the Oval Office because Democrats can't overcome the filibuster, which gives us a reason to help elect more Democrat legislators.
Absolutely. She’s gaining traction and gathering attention for a reason. She understands the assignment. We can’t be on defense anymore we have to have offense here on the democratic side. Call them for what they are. They bow to Trump and to Putin. They aren’t for the working class here
All Republicans, and 10 dems. Then the rest sang "we will overcome" with their cute little hats and signs, showing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we the working class are on our own.
Remember how the insurrection is overpowered the cops because of sheer numbers? We need to remember that there's more of us than them don't need to get our sheer numbers together and DO SOMETHING...
Loved her spunk at first sight. She knows history, law, dismantles every weak gop ploy, then adds special sauce in her rebuttals that leave GOP speechless.
Indeed, such an approach could further exacerbate political polarization. Responding to opposing views with harsh rhetoric, rather than addressing them in a more constructive manner, risks fueling fanaticism and hostility.
Makes absolute no sense sleepwalking until 2028 to be awoken from its slumber. They must rouse the deep sleepers who failed to vote in 2024, remind them of the nightmare of not voting.
Yes - we, each of us, reach into ourselves and let our Buddha nature shine and share what gifts we have. Our sangha is! and together we will walk the Pure Land.
Many hands on many oars move the boat across the sea in cadence to the word. Some row, some call cadence, some record.
I think all Dem's on his next lies/speech need to plan that with each lie he tells one Dem stands up and walks out. The next lie a Dem stands up and walks out, the next lie a Dem stands up and walks out, on and on until all Dems are out, which won't take long.
There were at least 5 others that walked out with her. There’s a photo of her with them. I can’t remember where I saw it. Might have been on her profile.
Or have you seen this badass? I don't know his positions (I'm guessing bad?) but his kind of attitude is what Dems need to confront the grifter regime.
👉 Democrats need to fight fire with fire! 🔥
👉 Jasmine gets it – it’s time to hit back HARD! 💪
👉 Stop playing defense – it’s time to expose the lies and take control! 😡
Exactly. The GOP has been attacking, lying, and breaking the rules for decades – and the Dems have been playing nice, hoping that truth and integrity would prevail. It didn’t. Wolves don’t respect kindness – they fear strength. Time to hit back.
The time of "when they go low, we go high" is over!! That philosophy needs to change to, when they go low, we throw acid. It's about time we kill the universal thought that Democrats are weak.
They don't have the balls that Jasmine has and they never will. They're the go along to get along crowd. They're still going to get their paychecks so they really don't give a flying fuck when you're the other I'm sick to death of the Democratic Party. Party of doing nothing
It’s time for Hakeem to pass the torch. If this is the Olympics then he’s playing bocce and she’s a heavyweight boxer. Holding up signs and remaining silent is achieving NOTHING! Jasmine is ready to go toe to toe and tell Elonia to Fuck Off!
In reality many of these "Democrats" are also just grifters for money, influence, and/or false stature. That label has little meaning other than knowing their jersey color. It's the people who have to fight back; no sense thinking most Democrats have had or will have any significant contribution.
I'm with ya 110 % l'm tired of the mealy mouthed dem-o-craps that expect us to just vote for them even when they vote with traitors fuck'em! lf l were the minority leader, Hakeem are you fucking listening, to walk out everytime they bring up some stupid ass bill that takes our rights and pro-
100% agree Crockett and AOC and Raskin are all speaking truth to power. They are direct they are forceful. They are compelling they ground themselves in facts. They don’t deal in histrionics and bullshit.
I'd leave Raskin off that list. He conspired with Pelosi to push Biden out and told Chris Hayes "we have to do it quickly." He gets the Et Tu Brutus award instead and Hayes is no better.
Yes.. every needs to step up more like &
ALL have!
If everyone starts following suit, bringing facts, showing receipts, and calling out the corruption.. The REAL truth can't be ignored!
While I agree with this sentiment, this is also a great way to keep MAGA in control. Notice how nobody gives a shit about what the VP does now that that position isn’t being filled by a woman? The US hates women too much to elect one to president. We live in a far right hellscape.
Canadians are the nicest people on the planet!! Currently, they are fighting off their own version of Trump (Pollievre), and us, and doing so with gusto!
US Democrats are playing politics as if everything is normal. But none of this is normal. It’s time to fight.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall!!
Democrats fight back like George Mcfly in Back To The Future. They'll never become the McFly who stands up at the end to save his future wife. Sad reality.
They won't they're scared little pussies and have shown that all they will do is posture online and then hold meaningless signs as Trump goes on some insane rant about transgender mice.
Love ! I think we need to use all tactics to be most effective. We need members protesting outside the room, members speaking up inside the room, and (a few) members listening inside the room to give testimony later. Getting tired of these collaborators though!
I prefer a longer term solution. Hot flash news clips are not going to cut it anymore. I like her and she has a great future. We just need long term strategies. JS✌🏾
The correct response to a burning house is to get water on the fire as quickly as possible, not to upgrade the fire house and fire trucks to eventually be able to get more water to a fire. That is the long term solution, but the immediate threat is the fire that is happening at the very moment.
We definitely need long term, updated, modern solutions, but we need to pounce on the immediate threat and move fast on it. We need to think outside the box and look for avenues not thought of yet, they are there, someone will think of them, and hopefully already are and we just don't know it yet.
Drag queens competing in women's sports? LMAO, you Republicans mix up your talking points so easily. Then again, y'all believe that vaccines cause autism, so unintelligence is a requirement to be a right-winger
What was disgusting? The lies trump was telling? Or maybe you are talking about MTG and Boebert setting the precedent by heckling Biden his entire speech with no reprimand or consequences so their big mouths are still running and spewing nonsense and lies? That was disgusting, I completely agree!!
I was so mad when I heard 10 Dems voted for it, I was pissed, screaming while I was driving. Anyone next to me was definitely wondering what was going on in my car, HA! I have posted this a couple of times now, the next speech one Dem gets up and walks out with each lie, on and on until all are out.
However, there are quite a bit of butter knife dems who really should never try to be who they aren’t (ahem, Schumer’s recent rah rah sis boom bah moment) and leave it to our nimble-minded ninja sword fighters.
By killing that nazi
As a practical matter, she is in a D+27 district which is a lock for Dems.
She can say anything she wants, unlike others who can only win by appealing to cross-over Repubs & independents. A strategic dance.
All Republicans, and 10 dems. Then the rest sang "we will overcome" with their cute little hats and signs, showing beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we the working class are on our own.
We have seen how appeasement, weakness and "pragmatic surrender" leads to enslavement.
Leaders are emerging - Bernie, Jasmine, AOC, Sheldon, Liz, many others - the old must make way for change
Many hands on many oars move the boat across the sea in cadence to the word. Some row, some call cadence, some record.
We ARE champions
Crockett. Jasmin Crockett.
Queen of the Wild Frontier!
👉 Democrats need to fight fire with fire! 🔥
👉 Jasmine gets it – it’s time to hit back HARD! 💪
👉 Stop playing defense – it’s time to expose the lies and take control! 😡
Yes it's hard to go against "norms" but Pubs have been systematically blowing up norms since Gingrich was Speaker.
We need to be the leaders we have kept hoping we would see in others.
Get the yellowbelly dems out and let’s get some more real ones in. If we even get a chance to vote again. Hell I would run but Im just a poor peasant.
GOP controls the house for 2+ decades lol
A plan to transform the government like they intend... Not whining about not being able to do something....
ALL have!
If everyone starts following suit, bringing facts, showing receipts, and calling out the corruption.. The REAL truth can't be ignored!
US Democrats are playing politics as if everything is normal. But none of this is normal. It’s time to fight.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall!!
You are the leader of the resistance. People can’t just say hey you know what I like what Han has to say better lol
Y’all are acting like we’re in a campaign year. Support the leader
Get it good trouble
With mom-mom Cathy and her cowbell.
Come out fighting sure, but do it with some conviction x
No sense in upsetting oneself over Trump or Musk.
Speaking of which...
I know everyone hates Harry Potter but the comparison holds.
Also they're now trying to scrub the internet of the word gay...good luck with that. 🤣
Other Democrats should approach Trump in their own way rather than be a copy.
Crockett does this exceedingly well.