Trump is the greatest gift we Americans could have given the left wing in Canada.
I mean ... politically anyway. In every other important aspect he's the worst gift we could have ever given anyone in the world.
#Felon47 did it unintentionally. He & cohorts - #kakistocracy- don't know what they're doing, Project2025 notwithstanding.
"Thank you" to the People of USA but not those 77.3m who voted for Felon.
I love how the US is uniting the rest of the world, and making countries more patriotic of themselves. I mean it’s by how NOT to be, but…um, sure. Whatever works I guess. 😂 (but also 😩)
So glad mini T is falling behind we need truthful people or at least not people who constantly lie with zero allegiance other than to themselves. . .far right people are really evil as we see in the US
I can only hope this maintains.
As a Canadian I know right to the bottom of my being that the Conservatives are just an arm of the Republicans.
P.P. has done nothing to hide it.
I'm glad our Canadian neighbors are WAKING UP to the vast dangers of the Putin/Trump/Musk/Fox/Russian troll armies' global RW disinformation machine = standard fascist big lie social manipulation/division tactics, fear/hate/xenophobia which got Trump and many far right-wing Putin puppets elected.
Agree 100%
There's just no way the US could turn on each other so quickly without outside help. Not making excuses for maga but maybe if they could see how they have been manipulated?? It's sooo obvious.
But not really United. Sort of like DPRK isn’t democratic. Now the class struggle is writ large and the working class need to realise that the “American” dream is a carrot to ensure everyone knows their place
Absolutely, I believe most in Our Country’s is depending on those we elected to actually follow the Oath of office. And defend Our Country from the Foreign and DOMESTIC enemy?
We can now predict that whomever Trump is slandering, attacking, lying about, will ALSO be simultaneously slandered by Putin's troll armies posing as Canadians/Americans...all in coordination with Trump's own Russian style disinformation tactics. Trudeau was victim of Putin's trolls' indoctrination.
The fact of the Canadian MAGA allied Truckers, and the fact that intelligent, humanitarian leader Trudeau's popularity was destroyed by Russian disinformation/on-line/RW media slander & conspiracies should tell you that the Russians have power over Canadian's minds too. None are immune to RU's lies.
Canadians are seeing what they can expect from a Conservative government under Pierre Poilievre and they don’t like it. Conservatives are bad for people.
Thank you for the support.
77.3m of them, some now have #buyersremorse. Niece -a qualified psychologist- tried to warn USA voters, but they didn't-won't listen.
It is going to take a long time for the world to trust us. Sadly 80 years of diplomacy down the drain because far too many of our voters are willfully ignorant and fell for 3 word slogans. My heart is broken for my country
Yes, we will have to work to bring ourselves back into good grace again. But they will know we can be trusted by the work we do to ensure NEVER AGAIN can a corrupt political party hand the levers of power to a fascist who's in the tank for the enemy!!
That's great to hear! My greatest fear has been that some would mistake me for MAGA.. I go out of my way to make sure people know I'm nothing like them!!
It's fault of Felon47 & spineless GOP congress.
✅USA t.: 202-224-3121 Capital Hill Switchboard✅
❌POTUS May NOT Unilaterally Dismantle Government Depts as per US Constitution Art. 1, §.7 Power of the Purse belongs to CONGRESS not DOGE.
Still waiting for PP to get his security clearance… just how compromised is he - and dont’ forget he is endorsed by both the felon and the fElon #CanadaRules
At that point I’m pitching for Illinois joining Canada. You can reach Peoria by boat from Canada. It might be useful to have a port city. It’s a defendable city.
So glad. His demagoguery & narcissism combined with lust for power, lack of empathy or compassion has infested our country, and so many within it. It's truly devastating to watch. Families literally not speaking to each other bc of trump.
#resist #impeachtrump #unitedindemocracy
I hope Chrystia Freeland becomes the new Prime Minister.
She has good experience, having dealt with Trump when he was Trump-45, and worked on the USMCA Trade Deal.
And then Trump will be like the Ham in a Ham Sandwich, with
a Woman Leader to his North and South.
Hopefully fellow Canadians are finally realizing the current clowns in control of the Conservative Party are Maple MAGA and will give up Canada for a song... Then they'll once again blame Trudeau for it.
You still have no idea how the carbon tax works do you? Doesn’t matter, whomever is the next PM after the next election. it’s already promised that it’ll be gone. 🤷♂️
That’ll be gone too as Eby has promised to get rid of it as long as the federal gvt will allow it. It’s unfortunate really. It’s good policy but misinformation has really set in.
I’m more of the belief that if it’s that unpopular with a decent % of t/ electorate, it needs to go.
Lol. You dipshits literally have only one thing to bitch about. Wake up, nobody gives a shit about the carbon tax when our sovereignty is under attack.
If the Liberals get to power, I would really really like them to nominate Justin Trudeau to be Governor General and send him to the negotiation tables..
I thought about that and as much as I’d like to rub it in, he’d do better as EU ambassador. We must look forward towards countries who share like ideologies, similar policies,shared values & interests. As a country we need to spend our energy on countries who know what we can offer.
I was reading Seth Abramson on Twitter as he was live tweeting J6. He named the organizers. Not one was investigated or charged by the DOJ. They went after the low hanging fruit instead. Meanwhile, Roger Stone, Ali Alexander, etc are still operating against the interests of a free America.
Yup and the main reason is that the GOP and Trump are morally reprehensible and clear as day to anyone with at least one brain cell, that they are fascists! Anyone who has tried to align themselves with the Nazis is persona non grata here in Canada. Why? Because we remember and lest we forget!
omg thank fucking god. people i feel like are now realizing how good trudeau is and are dealing w trump so bad that they know polievre would only make it worse so they’re now showing. out n shit. go canada 🇨🇦
i also wanna say about the polls that honestly only a few people actually answer them (1/2)
so i do feel like even if polievre was leading in the polls that doesn’t necessarily mean 🇨🇦 wants him. then again there are some trump supporters there although in smaller numbers and inflation and climate change is real too.
but now i just love to see how much they’re really fighting back (2/2)
It’s because the Canadian right wing is stuck between a rock and a stupid place. The Canadian right wing loves Trump, but the Canadian right wing is nationalistic. Their leaders can’t sound like tough nationalists while also praising Trump who is threatening their independence as a nation.
We have to do whatever it takes to keep "P.P." out of the PMO. If he's elected he'll be down in Mara Lago spread eagled on Trump's desk before dawn. Musk is already trying to screw with the next election.
Speak out and make sure the election has zero internet/satellite companies tied to the douches that took over in the US. Make sure so they can’t take away your freedoms too.
Perish the thought. If Trump sycophant, Pierre, is elected we'll be a territory so fast it'll make our heads spin. We would not be a state. States have too much power.
Yes, bitcoin Milhouse is trying yo distance himself from the GOP but hes on the same page as them on everything. He has opposed aiding Ukraine and refuses to get a background check, he's sketchy as hell
should be NDP in lead. we've had either conservative or neo-lib leadership for too long. also tired of seeing white males lead the country. like nobody else can possibly do it? bs. long past time to elect a woman or visible minority. Canada is diverse and different, time to start voting like it.
Born, raised, campaigned and canvassed NDP (when I was 7 .. diff times 😳). I just CAN’T do it this time… liberals need to be in power! There is too much at stake!
"liberals need to be in power" ? no, they don't. also " is too much at stake" is bs liberal fearmongering. all we've had is liberal or conservative. Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." a white male banker is not different!! smh. ☮️
As long as the left vote is split you're left with ABC as the only real choice. NDP needs to prove they can win those competitive races but until that day comes most will vote with pragmatism.
liberal party is in shambles. any old liberals shoulda moved to NDP by now. Trudeau steps down when country most needs him and screws Christia by not immediately making her the front runner? instead goes with an establishment banker white man? absurd. Singh has been consistent, NDP been strong. smh
And tomorrow a new Liberal Party leader will be elected, becoming the de facto Prime Minister as soon as the swearing in occurs this week. Trump better hone his reading and speaking skills as there will be a new adult in the room.
I am hopeful for Canada...but also worried. Dump said he had the voting machines rigged by Muskrat here. I could see Muskrat trying to do the same thing to our neighbors.
Yeah. It's more likely to take the form of propaganda on social media and 3rd party lies. Not that our American-owned "news" media, such as Post Media, need the help.
Thank you. Can you convince our MAGA that Trump is not their friend. He really has no friends. Not even Melania. She has her weekends free from him. Smart lady.
Thank God… Poilievre and his Nazi backers almost hood winked Canadians…
While they were busy hating on Trudeau, The right wing Trump crowd almost took over.
I think I speak for many Canadians when I say we don't care for domineering braggarts. Or self-obsessed whiners. Or lying fear-mongers. Or nasty bigots. Or shameless grifters. Or sexual predators. Or traitors.
So Trump's endorsement is a stain, not an asset to our Conservative Party. Thanks Don.
Meanwhile, in little old West Australia, the Labor party returned to power yesterday in state elections & the Liberals (conservatives with some Trump supporters) have gained a little ground but are still being shunned by the majority. Hopefully this will translate to the Federal elections soon.
This is their THIRD straight election victory here in Western Australia! Bravo!
Labor, gained 40 seats. The Liberal Party (conservatives here) are stunned that Labor is in for a third term.
Is that the Indi Liberals. I was engaged to one of them in 2004. The funny thing is, he's a complete nut job. Was all for the little man, the outcasts, but I suspect he's changed his tune (for profit).
He was the biggest narc. Completely messed with my head. Always said the only time he knew I loved him was when he made me cry. Nutter! I won't say his name as it is easy to find, but let's just say I have photos of him that prove what he's selling is not what he is.
Omg. Sounds like you're well out. Sadly, there are lots of nutters like this & I swear my daughters are magnets for them. Stay strong. It took me 3 goes to find the perfect man & 24 years later he still thinks I'm amazing. (I am. He is too.)
He has still never asked me who I vote for 😂😂
Haha! 21 years ago. I was young and naive. He's been though marriages like Trump go through his moods! All good here. Just to say, watch out Victoria, you have a psycho on the loose.
#Felon47 is the #Deusexmachina in CAN politics. Who would have thunk?
The 2 leading leader candidates have unimpeachable qualifications that Conservative leader -#PP- doesn't have [nor a career.] was Gov of Bank of CAN & Bank of Eng.
I swear, this has been the least stressful federal leadership race for me like, ever. Regardless if it's Freeland or Carney chosen to lead the Liberal Party, Canada is in good hands with either of these 2 stellar candidates at the helm. 🇨🇦💪
My Toronto friend is starting to relax now. She was worried before Trump took oath but he's of course been much worse than most people feared & that's been good for Canada in the long term. She's American, husband is Canadian. They had homes in both but now in Canada for good & not going back.
I'd choose 🇨🇦 too!
Now the only thing we MUST do in the upcoming federal elxn is beat the short pants off Harperite PoiLIEvre & the CONs. Hopefully Cdns realize PP is a Velveeta Voldemort sycophant & not to be trusted!
Imho he shouldn't've even been able to run w/o passing a Security Clearance.
Please tell your friend to call ✅t.: 202-224-3121 Capital Hill Switchboard✅
❌POTUS May NOT Unilaterally Dismantle Government Depts as per US Constitution Art. 1, §.7 Power of the Purse belongs to CONGRESS.
EXECUTIVE #COUP it is we see.
Trust me, she's very active. I just looked at her FB & she's firing on all cylinders, doing the same as you & getting people to act.
Meanwhile, my Texan R cousin is gloating & telling us that DT lives in our heads & I've never before wanted to disown family so much. We can't fix blind & stupid.
Best news I read this morning. Maple Maga Reform Poilievre would be the worst Prime Minister ever. The fucker still has no security clearance and is proud of it. Musk and Trump supports Poilievre. Enough said.
Grassroots movements with sincere desires to maintain logic and civic rights can be impactful. Good luck & there are millions of Americans rooting for you. Really!
We are working on it. I've been trying to vote for 9 days. I'm going to be on the phone, on hold all day tomorrow, waiting for help. It's my 60th birthday present to myself.
I read an article today that said the voting has been slow and cumbersome because of safeguards implemented to try to prevent foreign meddling. Please keep trying.
I hope our Canadian friends look to the USA as an example of what not to do. They're seeing the destruction of a once great country right before their eyes. Don't make the same mistake that some foolish Americans did.
Go Canada 🇨🇦! While I’ll respect whatever decision you make tomorrow, hope you elect this awesome woman in as your Liberal Party leader and then the 2nd Ever Woman Prime Minister. #FreelandForPM
All you Carney supporters need to just make your own posts instead of tearing down Freeland. How do you expect for Freeland supporters to get on board with you if you keep talking smack? Go do that to PeePee or Trump instead!
I respect her but I do not think she did a great job as finance minister. The next election will be ALL about the economy and the public seems to trust Carney on those issues more. We want a change, we just don’t want conservative change.
I really like her but I don’t think it’s her time yet, I hope if she doesn’t win this round that she stays in politics, she’s a brilliant woman and it would be a shame to lose her knowledge and background.
Trump's utter stupidity and bullying Canada by saying - my way or we'll make you the 51st State has truly helped the Liberal Party! I stand with them - NOT with the Bully who occupies the Oval.
Maple Magats have been working hard on the propaganda posts and comments to hype up PP. will prevail if we can keep showing Canada that if PP is elected he will be identical to Donald.
100%. NOT in the bag, at all. Read comment sections-yes many are BS bots, not all. Maple magas are hiding, but far more emboldened online. They're all still there, have not gone anywhere. I think we're in a period of naivete. US/Russian disinfo vehicle in full throttle mode with PP driving.
It’s a dark period for the US when we get put into the same category as Russia. That dickhead, Trump, along with Musk, are systematically destroying our country.
Excellent. Now take
your television news and newspapers back from Postmedia. Kick Meta and X to the curb. Remember, Americans were still feeling pretty good about things in 2014 and then all hell broke loose.
the main reason's why it is happening was that
1. trudeau resigned, a leader who had a terrible record, resigned, that is rare and a sign that we can have power over them,
2. trump tariffs on both canada and mexico open our eyes that we need to find better trade partners
and finally
3. pierre from the CPC during the tariffs didn't change a single thing and infact didn't reacted to the situation, he infact doubled down on what being the second trump and it is hurting him BIG TIME!
At least he was good for something. He cured yalls Maple Magats & sent it to the dustbin of history. I know yall have some left, but eventually they shall be cured of their Political indoctrination. Teach that in schools. Stamp it put, permanently. Or end up like the USA! 😕
The liberals in America stand with you Canada! I have an idea... why don't you reach out to China and create new business deals with them instead of my trash country? Because let's be honest - we have more in common with the Chinese than these Maga cultists do. Let's isolate the GOP from earth.
AND when these trash republican war mongers try and steal your country you can get help from us and the Chinese. The Chinese will win the war against their weak stupid cult. AND afterwards we can work with them to bring America back without the republicans!
The federal CPC party of Pierre Poilievre, and the provincial Conservatives lead by Ford and Smith have spent years showing us who they are, and what they stand for. Trump's Republicans embrace Conservatism. The Liberal Party is the only one upholding Canadian nationalism and values now.
The Republican Party is no longer conservative. They have evolved into something really dark. True conservatives want limited government. Trump, Musk, and their enablers want Trump to have total control over every aspect of life in the United States. 🤬
That's so interesting: conservative parties had been trying to appeal to nationalists, but liberals have shown them that if you really love your country, you don't bow to oligarchs & dictators.
it is in good part due to Trump's folly, but it is also in part due to having a likely leader in Mark Carney to go up against the twerp the Conservatives have as a leader. He is widely despised and Trudeau being out of the mix helps considerably with the latest polling.
I’m ambivalent, I think he’s been relatively steady as Prime Minister, but he’s made some major gaffes, the state visit to India in particular. OTOH, this is the fourth leader of the conservative party in a row that have been underwhelming. Harper is a special case he’s an outright fascist.
These last few days won’t wipe away the lists of corrupt acts that his govt perpetrated on the citizens of this country… people may like him… just not as a PM anymore
I think that’s true, the further in the rearview mirror politicians are the more favorably they are remembered in general. The whole convoy thing coupled with Covid created almost impossible conditions for anyone to come out looking good. But he did magnitudes better than Trump.
Please Canada, stand behind PM Trudeau. Trump is trying to ruin him & is waiting for him to leave office. All attempts to normalize Trump’s behavior must be ignored. He warned us abt his outrageous intentions, but they were downplayed. Now we’re fighting agst what shld never have been considered.
Although I do not completely agree with all the Liberal Party's propositions, Elon Musk's strong support for Poilieve makes me unable to believe that Poilieve will really strongly safeguard Canada's national interests.
If Poilieve wins the election with the support of the Trump administration, Canada may really become the 51st state of the United States, which will be a nightmare.
It'd be clear treason. Will Canadians take that down? I don't think so. Quebec will ask for separation and it will be understandable. Canadians wouldn't let any right/left politician gift the country away to US, or anybody else. It's ridiculous! He'll be detained, charged & put away. Hopefully.
I used to think that the US president would not sell out the US national interests, otherwise he would be imprisoned for treason. But look at Trump, a dictator is enough to make the law a decoration.
And still is going. No one knows how or when will stop. The consequences can not be calculated yet. One thing is true, reconstruction will be a rebirth & a bitch. It cannot happen again.
What really could happen, if Polilieve wins, is that 🍊💩 will be get to treat your nation as if it were the 51st State. He'll extract your rare minerals and oil too. As soon it happens, you all can protest and ask for a vote of no confidence, an opportunity to fix that. US has to wait 4 yrs.
The only impression Poilieve leaves on me is his criticism of Trudeau. Apart from that, I don't know what substantive policy proposals he has that would allow him to do better than Trudeau.
PP has learned from US Republicans how to unite voters using their hatred, fears, and ignorance. He happily posed for selfies with the Proud Boys & gave them pep talks. He gets a suspicious amount of $ from investors in private Am hospitals. That's all I need to know.
That's too bad, I thought he just disliked Trudeau and wanted to replace him as Prime Minister of Canada, that's why he kept criticizing Trudeau. Proud Boys? Oh my god.
Poilievre has no courage and will allow Elon to just roll over our entire system. Canada's DOGE? No more Canada.
Even if Poilievre SAYS that he won't allow it to happen, I DON'T BELIEVE him!!
I've always supported NDP and before that the Greens, but desperate times - going Liberal now!
There is no perfect party. But now, we need to unite to fight against external threats. Under this premise, I think Carney, who has professional ability and rich experience in the economic field, is the most suitable to lead Canada now, rather than Poilieve, who is similar to Trump.
Many of us still have bad memories of when the conservatives were last in power and don't want them to have a chance to mirror or worse concede to tRump's expectoration of verbal diarrhea these days.
Looking for truth has been bred out of us. Now we guzzle Kool-aid offered by a federal govt beholden to special interests.
This country was fascist long before Trump admitted it was and that had been used against the people for decades, ensuring a compliant (stupid) slave population.
The ignorance & stupidity of our electorate truly shocked me this time like never before. Why? Because this was the first time I followed only independent media. They reported truth while corporate media & the effing NYT deliberately declined to stop the sanewashing & wouldn't explain tariffs etc
Can't stress this enough as an American- elections can and if not monitored very closely, WILL be bought. Canada is not immune to this. Don't fall for the same pitfall we did; vote no matter what.
I'm just saying, don't underestimate the power of corruption. We did and we're paying one hell of a price. That's a poison that will always try and find a way. There's never absolute safety save for going out and voting en masse.
Agreed my friend, never think we're out of the woods by no means. But the sentiment on the street these days is different. There's a unity, across party lines, that's evident. The likes of which I've never seen before - even during the 2010 Olympics.
Let's not get cocky - voter turnout is a problem in Canada too. Ontario's voter turnout was 45% in last week's election, allowing DoFo a 3rd CON majority. I love the enthusiasm, but I'm still worried confirmation bias isn't letting us see reality. We need to connect with the regular non-voters.
Hard, but not impossible. Don't underestimate Elon's evil. We're worried they are creating backdoors into our data systems that no one else know about.
Everyone and their dogs know Trump and Pierre are partners in the IDU society!
Some of our worst leaders worldwide are in this group led by Stephen Harper!
It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that if we vote in Pierre La Pew, we will be next on their hit list!
The conservatives are much worse. If Trump asked for our precious minerals, Poilievre would absolutely sell us out.
Danielle Smith would offer him Alberta!
The conservatives do not have Canadians’ best interests at heart!
Canadian parties used to have different approaches, but they had the best for people in mind. That even included Steven Harper, although I was personally a big fan of late Jack Layton.
These days, the conservatives in Canada feel that they have to be fascists, and that is so sad.
I did not necessarily agree with some of his policies (perhaps even most), but I literally sobbed when he passed away. In my opinion, he was a gentleman, and his heart was in the right place.
I know it because I sat beside him in economy class flying to Ottawa, 6am Monday morning!
Sadly, you are absolutely right. Just before he passed away, when he was the leader of the opposition party, even though it was very short, he showed how a true leader could be.
He was everything that the US shitface dipshit scumbag felon orange and his cult are not.
Turns out Canada may have one thing to thank the U.S. for: A wake-up call to everyone. Stop nazis NOW, or they'll never leave, and they WILL ruin everything.
I mean ... politically anyway. In every other important aspect he's the worst gift we could have ever given anyone in the world.
"Thank you" to the People of USA but not those 77.3m who voted for Felon.
Please oh please oh please.
As a Canadian I know right to the bottom of my being that the Conservatives are just an arm of the Republicans.
P.P. has done nothing to hide it.
There's just no way the US could turn on each other so quickly without outside help. Not making excuses for maga but maybe if they could see how they have been manipulated?? It's sooo obvious.
Guess I just don't get it
Maybe it would be better for all if the civil war ended in a tie and they just made two countries?
It’s why it’s so easy for the entire party to change direction at the drop of a hat.
Best you can do is expose them to leftists other than the vilified demons portrayed in their fake news or remind them of Jesus’s teachings.
I moved to the USA in 2006, and was there 12 years. In no way was it United.
Are we talking about the same country?
77.3m of them, some now have #buyersremorse. Niece -a qualified psychologist- tried to warn USA voters, but they didn't-won't listen.
✅USA t.: 202-224-3121 Capital Hill Switchboard✅
❌POTUS May NOT Unilaterally Dismantle Government Depts as per US Constitution Art. 1, §.7 Power of the Purse belongs to CONGRESS not DOGE.
#resist #impeachtrump #unitedindemocracy
She has good experience, having dealt with Trump when he was Trump-45, and worked on the USMCA Trade Deal.
And then Trump will be like the Ham in a Ham Sandwich, with
a Woman Leader to his North and South.
But first its time to get Rid of the Libs !
Clearly borders don’t stop morons from voting for wannabe fascist dictators.
I’m more of the belief that if it’s that unpopular with a decent % of t/ electorate, it needs to go.
Governor Generals don't negotiate on Canada's behalf, they are the ceremonial representative for the King.
White supremacy (Trump derangement syndrome) leads to… Fascism. Where the good people are ruled by the most heinous and criminal aspect of humanity.
Hopefully Canada labels white supremacy a terrorist group.
That should have happened in America.
By the time of our DOJ acknowledged that white supremacy was truly a threat the coup had already infiltrated too deeply into our government.
Hopefully Canada disbands these hate groups before they spread too deeply.
Either way we got stuck with a government filled full of traitor trash.
Trump is sinking him.
i also wanna say about the polls that honestly only a few people actually answer them (1/2)
but now i just love to see how much they’re really fighting back (2/2)
Perish the thought. If Trump sycophant, Pierre, is elected we'll be a territory so fast it'll make our heads spin. We would not be a state. States have too much power.
Insanity is letting the little Pp get elected.
The majority of the country will not vote outside their comfort zones in a time of crisis... They'll go with someone boring.
Poilievre was given the chance of a lifetime to excite the country during this crisis and extend his party’s appeal. Instead, he did the opposite.
I don’t agree with him, but I also don’t see any information that would make him a traitor.
I’ll be voting for Mark Carney, a liberal, this Federal Election.
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
While they were busy hating on Trudeau, The right wing Trump crowd almost took over.
Maybe Trump WILL get the Nobel … for uniting all other counties in unified peace.
So Trump's endorsement is a stain, not an asset to our Conservative Party. Thanks Don.
Labor, gained 40 seats. The Liberal Party (conservatives here) are stunned that Labor is in for a third term.
He has still never asked me who I vote for 😂😂
The 2 leading leader candidates have unimpeachable qualifications that Conservative leader -#PP- doesn't have [nor a career.] was Gov of Bank of CAN & Bank of Eng.
Now the only thing we MUST do in the upcoming federal elxn is beat the short pants off Harperite PoiLIEvre & the CONs. Hopefully Cdns realize PP is a Velveeta Voldemort sycophant & not to be trusted!
Imho he shouldn't've even been able to run w/o passing a Security Clearance.
❌POTUS May NOT Unilaterally Dismantle Government Depts as per US Constitution Art. 1, §.7 Power of the Purse belongs to CONGRESS.
EXECUTIVE #COUP it is we see.
Meanwhile, my Texan R cousin is gloating & telling us that DT lives in our heads & I've never before wanted to disown family so much. We can't fix blind & stupid.
Just ask President McKinley.
Who the hell does he think he is?!
Do NOT believe the POLLS
Never Vote Conservative.
your television news and newspapers back from Postmedia. Kick Meta and X to the curb. Remember, Americans were still feeling pretty good about things in 2014 and then all hell broke loose.
1. trudeau resigned, a leader who had a terrible record, resigned, that is rare and a sign that we can have power over them,
2. trump tariffs on both canada and mexico open our eyes that we need to find better trade partners
3. pierre from the CPC during the tariffs didn't change a single thing and infact didn't reacted to the situation, he infact doubled down on what being the second trump and it is hurting him BIG TIME!
Even if Poilievre SAYS that he won't allow it to happen, I DON'T BELIEVE him!!
I've always supported NDP and before that the Greens, but desperate times - going Liberal now!
🤬 F🤬CK 🤬🖕🏻 #tRUmp👹🇷🇺
If only more Americans had sought truth--or even just googled "tariff" before the election instead of the day after.
This country was fascist long before Trump admitted it was and that had been used against the people for decades, ensuring a compliant (stupid) slave population.
We had the same misleading view from polls with President Kamala.
As of yesterdays polls.
Trudeau's replacement for the Liberal Party is decided tomorrow.
After that, they will call the general election.
Some of our worst leaders worldwide are in this group led by Stephen Harper!
It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that if we vote in Pierre La Pew, we will be next on their hit list!
That's one thing Canada is truly thankful came from the US.
Keep it going!!!!!! 💪
Danielle Smith would offer him Alberta!
The conservatives do not have Canadians’ best interests at heart!
These days, the conservatives in Canada feel that they have to be fascists, and that is so sad.
I did not necessarily agree with some of his policies (perhaps even most), but I literally sobbed when he passed away. In my opinion, he was a gentleman, and his heart was in the right place.
I know it because I sat beside him in economy class flying to Ottawa, 6am Monday morning!
He was everything that the US shitface dipshit scumbag felon orange and his cult are not.
I think he would have been prime minister had it not been a Bloc Québécois, and had a little more time.
If I recall correctly, NDP got a lot of seats in Quebec.